Hey guys, I've got a 2 month old AK/Trainwreck hyrbid and she's outgrown here current home. Ive got a larger bucket that Im planning on moving her into, but I want to know... Is there any safe way to do this or am I just running luck here?
just gotta watch out for the roots, you wanna do as little damage/shock to the roots as possible....but im sure its gonna be fine alot of people swear by starting in small pots and repotting
I find it a whole lot easier to transplant if you water the day before. I currently have plants that have been vegging for a month and a a half or so and i just transplanted into thier final pots. Transplant went great for all of them and none showed any signs of root shock or a slower growth rate. When the roots fill the container they are in they kind of hold the soil together and it makes it really easy to transplant.
thats good to know. the plant is over a foot tall and hopefully will shoot up even faster. thanks bro!