Ok so I have a problem...I germinated three auto seeds..one of them bein a Nirvana auto Bubblelicous...that one did or is not sprouting..the other one popped through the soil the way it should, and the third was planted today...my problem is that the bubblelicous is not popping through, but I examined it and see that the root is elongated downward, as it should, but no little leaves have formed...like all of my other seeds in the past..I read that nirvana was having problems with that auto strain a while back..is this true? Or could it be because I wet the soil before I planted it and just covered it with the soil, and that creating an air pocket around the root...thats the only seed I've never not watered after the planting...AND NOW I WANNA KNOW IF I CAN GENTLY REMOVE IT AND REPLANT IT...PLEEEEEASE TELL ME I CAN...I REALLY WANNA GROW THAT STRAIN...I FUCKED UP RIGHT!?
Dude, maybe you should consider it posting in the right section???? Read and Learn.... or not, whatever.... http://forum.grasscity.com/medical-marijuana-cultivation/