Rather Odd Situation

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by gksarmy, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. Ok, first of all may not be in the right area. I looked and couldn't find one i thought more specific.

    So thursday i met this girl. She's cute, funny, and keeps up with me mentally as well. The thing is, I'm afraid to tell her i smoke-a da ganja mahn, every day!
    "How would one go about discovering another's interest in marijuana?", is what i'm asking i guess.
    oh, and we've gone on a couple dates, and things went really well.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. I don't claim to be an expert on the subject, what I would do is go on a few more dates with her and then tell her about it, so that after all those fun ass dates she went on with you she couldn't possibly say "oh no youre a horrible person now that I know that you combust plant matter to produce a good feeling, no way".
  3. Casually bring up a conversation about weed on the news or something, see how she reacts. That or tell a story about someone smoking weed, getting caught or something of the sort, preferably not someone close to you when it comes to stories though.
  4. Man I was in the same boat for awhile. The trick is to not tell her immediately, go on some more dates and let her get to know you so that when it does come up, it's not reason enough for her to dump your ass. Just don't make it look like you were hiding it from her, it needs to appear that it was just something that never came up in conversation. My current gf refused to date anyone that smoked before she met me, and we've been together for almost a year. Good luck homie.
  5. Cuz, the best way is always to be straight up with a person. I would suggest saying something like "So what do you think of marijuana?" Following her comments proceed to reply and tell her.
  6. I'd say in your situation you'd probably be ok to just have a pre-rolled ready to go...head out and chill at a park or by the sea someplace, just talk and I know this sounds strange but, just spark it up.
    Her reaction will tell you everything you need to know.

    If you have to hide things in a relationship, it's never really as real as it ought to be.
  7. I guess everyone's different, I told my girlfriend right up front (before we started dating) that I smoke, and eventually she even tried it herself being anti-drug before! :D

    Edit: To be productive to this thread, my suggestion is to be honest and upfront about it. If she is someone who won't take kindly to pot, she probably isn't the person for you. :wave:
  8. #8 gksarmy, Oct 8, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2012
    thanks guys. We're heading to a state park tomorrow, so i'll not be sparking up right there lol. I do think i'll bring it up and say, oh, by the way, i smoke.

    If she doesn't talk to me anymore then i guess she's not the one for me...

    I did have the thought though: Is weed more important than a girl? Or is a girl more important than weed?

    your guys thoughts?



    She mentioned that she'd been in a situation where she'd been asked if she was high, and she made it a point to state that "i wasn't high"...

    i made it clear that lying was a huge deal to me, so i'm wondering: is it possible she does smoke but didn't want to lie to me by denying it, so she said she wasn't high? Because while that's true, it doesn't give me the whole picture. I didn't ask if she smoked though..and i should've :/

    Plus, she didn't seem to want to pursue the subject...

    I've got this niggling idea that she burns, but i dunno how i can explain it...almost like "my ganja sense is tingling!" haha

  9. i love this idea, and if i didn't feel such a deep connection to this girl, i'd totally freaking try it ;)
  10. But, what do you think is going to happen?

    Like...if she's totally against it, and puts you down or thinks of you in a negative light because of it - well, despite your feelings about her, is that someone you would want to be with, that would judge you based on pre-conceptions and lighting a joint would forever kill your chances?

    On the other hand maybe she's either
    a: Down with it
    b: Willing to try
    c: Accepting of it
    All three of which would be all good, right?

    So I say not only would it serve as an important fact-finding tool and information device about whether or not this person *is* in fact as cool as she seems, but you'd also get this shit out of the way.

    Besides, One outcome "bad" Three outcomes "good".
    The odds are with you...and honestly, it'll show that you're willing to be open and honest around her - this is always a good step.
  11. hmm, currently going after this girl who doesn't smoke but to gauge her viewpoint on it, one time she asked me what I did some night. So I told her that me and buddies just chilled at one of their houses watching a mafia moving while blowing trees all night. She didn't have a negative take on it, but she definitely doesn't smoke if she did she'd be like 'ohhh you smoke to!!?"

    Instead it was like, "damn that seems like a great way to relax after a long weekend!"

    maybe she's curious about weed? IDK. She doesn't party or drink much though.
  12. just be straight up with her man, theres no reason to hold it back

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