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Rate this bud please

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by spliffin, Jul 8, 2017.

  1. I like to feel the weed rather than rating a pic, but a solid 8.
  2. You know what. Some people will say by looks it looks like mids or what not. But here's the truth.

    That's some nice outdoor. My senses are telling me it has a nice zesty lemony aroma. I like it dude!

  3. My experience is limited but that is what I was thinking. The last stuff I saw was greener, sugar coated and could be smelled from a distance. This stuff is less green, less sugar coated and cannot be smelled unless you stick your nose into the bag, so I was skeptical at first.

    1/3 of a gram takes me on a journey which is consistent with the sugar coated stuff which could be smelled from a distance.
  4. Hell yeah! Its been years since I've gotten outdoor but from the eye of it's sugar coated and has a scent and it's outdoor then it is most likely bomb bud . Love me some outdoor :)
  5. #7 tangentweed, Jul 9, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2017
    Remember - it doesn't have to look like a High Times centerfold to be high quality bud.
    If it gets the job done, you're good.
  6. looks really dried out. how's it smoke?
  7. 3

    0 effort on trim job, water leaf if still in there, looks like animal hairs, thin straw particles, and other pieces of who know some what. It's on the brown side rather than green. Great camera and photo though.
  8. looks dry and lonely. did you get stoned? i can't honestly reply unless i can taste. if you copped a good buzz then it's fine.
  9. Oh so leafy
    4/10 stars is the looks of it
    But I've had some bud that looked bad and was damn good.
    How'd it smoke?

    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Poor trim job, lots of leaf. Looks a bit airy. But it's got some decent trich coverage. Probably outdoor grown if I had to guess. Looks are not everything. They are one of the least important factors regarding weed quality although you can obviously typically get a good idea of the quality from the looks. Either way since all I can rate are the aesthetics I do feel a 4 - 5 out of 10 is a fair rating.

    Keep in mind I'm rating looks as that's all I can do. I wouldn't be surprised if I smoked it myself and ended up giving it a 7. Smell, taste, and high are all more important.

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