Rate the Game Above You

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Sour Kush, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. We have one of these on every other board, so why not put one here? But since people are going to have all kinds of different opinions I just ask no one starts a fanboy's opinions war, or flames other people's choice of game. That's not the point of this thread, so if you're going to say something too harsh don't say anything at all.

    This is how it will work, I will start us off by posting a game, someone will throw an opinion at it and then post their own choice of game. Pictures and a game titles would be appreciated, but a simple title will do, either way.

    Let's get this crackin'.

    The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (GOTY)
  2. I got so lost in that game... it kinda pissed me off... 6/10 I used to be a pretty hardcore gamer as well..


  3. Amazing game, one of the only games I played and never beat. I was playing Armageddon the other day and this game was going through my head the whole time, I miss it, and thanks to you I might just have to pick this up tomorrow.

    Grand Theft Auto IV
  4. bump.jpg

    Shameless bump is shameless.
  5. GTA 4 was a massive dissapointment but still a 8/10. The online was OK as long as auto-aim was off. The main issue I had was the whole game was just to serious. They used to have some crazy off the wall shit in GTA but 4 idk, more realistic I guess, but I need a purple double ender for a wepon.

    next up: Super Mario 3
  6. 7/10 Mario was cool when i was 10 but it gets old quick.

    Dead Space 2, just got it today and boooy is it a awesome game.
  7. 8/10 shits crazy

  8. 7/10 +1 point for alcohol drinking health replenishments. Graphics were decent and the shooting mechanics were acceptable so overall it wasn't a bad game for a launch title but I put this one down pretty quick. I was too busy playing:

  9. 8/10...a time when FPS games had substance.

  10. 7.5/10 Never got into ninjas..

    Imma throw an old one atchall

  11. Behold epicness

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DlnxcSTBzU]YouTube - (BBCSII) BlazBlue : Continuum Shift II Opening[/ame]

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa9eWn6Zqxc]YouTube - Tauntloop - BBCS Mission 10 Combo Video (720p)[/ame]
  12. 7/10 looks good, just not that into fighting games.

  13. Not my kind of game 4 out of 10

    We all knew this game would be in this thread eventually.
  14. 8/10

    Have you seen any sailors?

  15. 6/10

    It was a pretty decent game.

    Next up,:
  16. 119/10. my favorite game ever.


    Fallout: New Vegas
  17. 8/10:hello:. Better than the third IMO.

  18. Good, awfully buggy but a triumph of story telling and brings the fallout series back it original edgy dark humor.

    Far cry 2
  19. #19 8bitjoint, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    7/10 It was alright.

    red dead redemption. Currently trying to 100% that game so i had to post it.
  20. Insanely fun, I don't think I've ever had so much with any other DLC.
    8/10 easily.

    Next up: Fallout 3



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