Rate my pickup of $40

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Colts, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    The perc is broken but otherwise I like it. Its pyrex glass. Opinions?
  2. Since When Pyrex Makes Bongs?

    It Looks Good.
  3. for forty?
    looks good..as long as it works and doesnt leak for forty bucks id be satisfied
  4. I don't care about the brand since its $40 :p.

    Yep it works well. The hemp wick is good stuff :eek:.
  5. I like those little bongs, they hit smoooooth. Plus you got an ice catcher and it's aesthetically decent, I say a very good pickup for 40.
  6. 40 bucks whynot!! :bongin::bongin:keep on
  7. Did u buy it broken for 40$??????

  8. Pyrex is a type of glass. Most good bongs are made of it. AKA borosilicate AKA duran, etc...
  9. Yeah. The prices were pretty high so I asked if I could see the broken pieces.

    Well I don't plan on getting an ice catcher bc of how small it is(probably will tip over) and the hits are solid as is. :bongin::yay:

  10. You nice then! :smoke: +rep señor!
  11. That Makes Sense. I Always Related Pyrex To Cooking/Liquid Measurement Cups.

  12. Or lab glass.

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