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Rate my joint/send yours

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by ZnOT, Jul 5, 2017.

  1. Here's a joint I made a week ago (my friend is holding it):

    Sent from my MI 5 using Tapatalk
  2. Come on guys...

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  3. Out of 10? Come on buddy!

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  4. It's ok I'm too tired right now to show you how it's done.
  5. I have been rolling joints since 1972. No offense, but i could care less about your joint. Seen thousands of them in my day.
  6. Haha I've rolled... At much 12 joints / cigars in my life so... Hahaha

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  7. That twist on the end is a waste. You need to fill that doobie up son! None of that weak sister shit where you use it to pack down your loose joints. I have killed for less. Don't believe me? Check out my dead hooker collection.
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  8. I know man but we didn't wanted to use more weed haha, I bought the large hemp papers at London and I just wanted to try them.

    I usually use the classic raw papers.

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  9. Here you go.
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  10. Holy shit man, a gram joint :smoke:

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  11. Funny thing I saw big pre-rolled joints from raw when I was at London.

    Not that big though haahaha

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  12. Just a little one but perfectly rolled!![​IMG][​IMG]

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