Rate my band (from the UK)

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by thompsonbassman, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. C'mon guys. BUMP! :smoke:
  2. sounds pretty generic
  3. I really like it. Has a nice classic rock sound to it. Super chill. Only thing is I feel like your drummer and bassist can do a lot more with this song. After all, lots of classic rock songs have amazing drum and bass combos. Other than that though, sounds great, and keep up the good work!

  4. Nice one for the reply!

    It is super chill... we're gonna get more stuff posted up on here next month, the sound is killer though. And yeah, the bassist (me) and the drummer could do more, but I'm not actually on the recording god-dammit.. but when I am.... oh boy! Aha. But really, thanks :). :smoke:

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