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rate my 1st blunt

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by eric122, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. 1st blunt ever attempted got the urge to try while buying cigs at the gas station.

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  2. 5/10
    u need alot more weed in that. work on rollin tighter
  3. why did you flatten the mouth piece? this will only constrict vital airflow
  4. Not to bad. Needs more weed forsure. I also find it easier to roll with more if that helps any. 5/10
  5. #5 eric122, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    I know it needs more weed but i didnt want to break up to much to be safe if i messed it up.. i pinched the ends because i dont like scooby snacks, and i will open it up a little when its time to smoke.

    edit...yeah it is a little loose at the end. My error there
    Edit2...Thanks for the help im off to light this up...ill tell ya how it goes
  6. That's not bad at all for a first blunt, i ended up tearing mine and saying "fuck it". The other guys are right though that's a pretty skimp lil blunt and it is easier to roll em fat. Stick with the wraps (which I find to be easier to use) and when you get enough skill you can start rollin up dutchies. I flatten my mouthpieces too so you're not the only one. Let us know how that baby smoked for ya
  7. Yeah smoked about 3/4 of it and im feelin pretty damn fine im probably gonna finish it now that ive had a drink.
  8. fix the mouth piece, it looks really flat
  9. i did fix the mouth btw its shorter and more open now.
  10. 4/10

    No need for the flat mouth piece, plus you need more weed.

    I wouldn't say no if it were passed my way though.
  11. at first I thought that you put a black and mild mouth piece on it. Then I realized it was just flat :rolleyes:
  12. Not sure why people are saying you need more bud in there, looks fine for a personal L. Other than the mouthpiece, for a first try it's straight.
  13. better than me, i tried and it ripped

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