Rastafarian Faith

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by 420smoker, Apr 13, 2006.

  1. Tweech, although I am not currently involved in this debate, can I thow in my beliefs on atheism?

    My personal version of Atheism is one of disbelief in God aswell as an afterlife and the majority of the bible. I guess that technically an atheist could believe in an afterlife, but not God but not I. The reason I do not believe in God is that I feel it is not possible, so believing in an afterlife is no more plausable to me.

  2. I don't mind responding to something like this, I just don't want to start some sort of religious flame war, because I don't really care what religion someone is, if they're happy with it, great. Doesn't bother me a bit.

    Anyway, I don't know what happens when we die, so I have no belief regarding the afterlife. It's something I believe that mortals can't comprehend, although I have a suspicion that it's just like pre-life (time before birth): nothingness.
  3. ive had this problem too, im white and jewish, not extremely so though, still in school, and after my dad died in a car crash and my mom was in the hospital for a month, this was all before i started smoking herb, but i was heavily into reggae music, i had a disagreement with my rabbi, who disobeyed me and went to visit my mother and caused her unnecessary stress, well enough with that, today the race in rastafari is somewhat more relaxed and if you are a good person you will be excepted, i started eating i-tal, stopped drinking and smoking tobacco and started growing my hair longer for dreads, soon after this a friend of mine found this too, i dont say we are rastas yet but i dont think being white will hinder you, unless you are only doing it for marijuana, in which case you will not be accepted because that is not a huge part of a rastas life and isnt even a requirement
  4. Here's where I disagree... I have always grown up as a very open minded person, and I'd never judge someone for somethign as stupid as the color of their skin. I know, I've lived in communities where I was the minority. I know.

    But to say all white people are responcible? No... Like I've said, every race has its idiots. Theres black people out there who hate white people. Theres asian people who hate white people.

    Of course, history does show a record of hate (starting way before the indian removal act and trail of tears) for the white race, but to hold ALL white people responcible.. Isnt that doing just about the same thing some white people have done to black people? That is, judge them based on the outside, and not the stuff they are really made of?

  5. One contributres to the invasive western lifestyle known as babylon then is responsbile.

    I'm not trying to preach the religion. There are misconceptions on my own faith it seems. I am describing the religion to you the best way i know how.

    Thats what the founding philosophers of Rastafari thought and promoted. If you're interested, there are tons of books on it. Search amazon for Afrocentrism.
  6. Thanks Rasta, I wikipedia'ed it. It was a good article.

    I agree with it all.. European (british) imperialism (and then American imperialism) really screwed up a lot of indigenous cultures when they took over land.. Again, Africa, Asia, Americas...

    But to say..

    You know what- Nevermind. I'm not going to contest your faith, something so deep-rooted, and something I havent yet experienced...

    Blaze on RastaMan.
  7. First off to respond to the earlier claim that rastafari is for the carrabeans only...this is simply ridiculous. Ras Tafari is the name of the EEthiopian Emperor of the uncolonized nation of Ethiopia who showed Blacks all over the globe, that pride and dignity were in our african blood... Rasta IS about culture and roots. No matter what color you are or where you're from I believe it will bring you closer to your roots.

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