rare secret lil b swagswag

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by AhTee, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hG2ZdsPY9s]YouTube - Lil B - A Place 4 Everything (#rare and #secret)[/ame]

    there you go grasscity.
  2. People aren't gonna listen to this first, but are you goin to the shows this Wednesday and
  3. idk man, some of my buddies were talking about the one this weekend. you should check out two fresh in carbondale
  4. lil b spits some real shit. I need to go to his show.

  5. werent you one of the dudes that hated lil b? If you are a fan then that is fucking swag!
  6. haaah, were talking different artists
  7. Are you guys fucking joking?
  8. Thank you James Posey.

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