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Rare Red Skywalker??????????

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by El Ma duro, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. hey gc wats good, i stumbled upon these pics of this rare strain supposedly can anyone give me more info on it and if possible where can i get some seeds from this beauty cuz i would love to :bongin:
  2. that shit is KILLER looking.
    like holy fuck. I can't help you but I had to comment.
    Jesus fucking Christ.

    I want some :D
  3. lol well spread the word about this beautiful strain cuz the more people know about it more info eventually comes out
  4. where'd you find the pics..? looks like something an old gc member used to grow..wayyy before i joined.
  5. dankweeddotcom
    is that member still around
  6. i believe this same type of weed came up a few weeks ago on hear. somebody was asking the same question you are lol. correct me if im wrong [i very well could be] but isnt that Mr. Postman's grow? cant remember the name of it for the life of me.

  7. I dont know about all that, sometimes you get people adding "info" that really isnt valid, just for the sake of putting a word in.

    However, I have to commend you on a pic of gorgeous bud. Where did you get it? Skywalker seeds are sold by Dutch passion Seed Co., but I have only ever experienced smoking lime green or slightly blue hued buds as "Skywalker" I have never grown the strain myself.

    One of the rare phenos may be "red", and if that isn't shooped, looks like it is a little frostier than any of what I have experienced from that strain. Wonder if its mostly cosmetic, or if it might also have improved flavor, potency, or what :confused_2:

    Dank ass buds OP, thanks for sharing. Hopefully someone will come along and enlighten us :smoke:
  8. mr postman?u got his thread

    u right on the bolded but i dont this is fake its real at least it looks real
    and why did this get moved to the aprentice section like a bunch of rookies are gonna help:confused_2:
  9. Dont think it was an insult bro.
  10. o ok thanks for clearing that up i was like wtf? lol

  11. yeahhhh thats what i was talking bout. didn't want to put down the wrong name and look like an idiot lol.
  12. so nothing?
    if its postmans grow can ya show me what thread its in to see
  13. Thats just a normal plant, thats been mistreated and has a nute imbalance. Its the exact same priciple as stressing a plant with temperature to get purple colouration...

    A mistreated plant can't be growing at maximum effeciency or producing the optimum trichome coverage can it?

    unless aesthetics is how you judge a plants quality? :confused:

  14. Like I said, in the link I provided the guy who (maybe) grew the bud in OPs pics, states that the color is actually a sign that the bud has cured/dried/been washed properly, and would be a horrible smoke.

    It looks trippy as shit though. :smoke:
  15. This isn't about the strain, but WOW THAT IS SOME DANK GOOD GOOD SHIT. if only computers had a smell device... Looks like it would taste soo good.
  16. oh wow I think i got a boner from lookin at that dank ass shit.... DAMN!!! now thats a beauty...
  17. Agreed. looks pretty, not gonna lie i have a boner from that pic :p

    but i would never buy that shit if i knew thats what it went through

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