Rape = Pregnancy

Discussion in 'General' started by x1x1, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Hypothetically, if you or your girlfriend/ wife was raped and pregnancy resulted, what would you do? Keep it, abort, or adoption?

    And if you choose to raise the child, would you eventually tell them the truth?

    Just something I was thinking about and was curious what you blades would do.
  2. If I found out I was pregnant, I would get an abortion rape or not, so I guess that's my answer. :p
  3. Whoa, serious stuff here....I would think an abortion would have to happen. Just cuz, i mean, that kid was "forced" in to the world. Karma isn't right there...But i would still feel bad though.

  4. Amen, man.

    I don't know, if it came down to it i probably couldn't get rid of one with my boyfriend, but if i were raped that shit would be gone.

    I wouldn't even want to grow up knowing my conception was a result of rape.
  5. well, i guess first and foremost i'd go look for the lil' rapist and slowly relieve him of his genitals, digits, hair, limbs, eyes and face...

    as for keeping the kid, i don't really know... i guess it would be pretty much impossible not to harbour some measure of grudge against the little one, even if just on a subconscious level, also being reminded of the rapist once the baby grows up might be quite a downer, too...
    so my vote would go to abortion, however, i guess i'd side with what my wife decided, her body after all...

    highly fucked up scenario in any case...
  6. what if the rapist and the victim make amends?
  7. Or get married?

    I'm not a female, but I would totally abort.

  8. Yeeeeeeeeeeeah I dont think so.

  9. It won't ever happen. Once you've had something like that forcefully taken from you, that person can never be your friend. Rape is so exploitive, disrespectful and a painful experiences to accept.
  10. I knew there would be a post like this as soon as I saw the title. Is it really necessary to point that out? We don't need to bring pointless violence in anywhere.

    As for the topic, I would say abortion
  11. Abortion really is the only option.

    If the baby was carried to full term think of all the emotions the mother would have had through the pregnancy...I would think the baby would pick up on those emotions and perhaps could end up fucked up in the end. Know what I mean?

    Adoption - never ever an option. Fucks up the birth family and also fucks up the child (this statement is from personal experience).

  12. I don't know, dude. If one of my nieces came to me and told me they were raped. I'd probably do some unthinkable shit to that person.

    Then, i'd do everything in my power to make sure he'd go to jail and get raped by bubba daily.
  13. whatever she wanted.

    if i was a woman and i got raped and i got pregnant.... i would get an abortion. but then again, i would get an abortion even if it wasn't rape.
  14. Of course, I would too, but I was just saying that it was kind of uneeded for that guy to point it out.
  15. nobody should ever keep a rape baby
  16. I think this topic would be better suited for Pandoras Box, bc its really controversial. And no offense op but a better title. Rape doesnt always equal pregnancy lol
    But I think in that scenario, I would get an abortion. Too much emotional pain to deal with.

  17. Sorry, i know it doesn't always result in it, i'm just saying if it did. That's what i wanted the thread to be about, not about rape in general, so that's why i titled it that way. And i wasn't sure on where to put this thread really..mods can move it if they wish.

    Thanks for all the responses guys, it's been pretty unanimous so far lol.
    I'd abort also, but i'd feel terrible about it, of course..
  18. i can walk down the street late at night and for the most part not be scared of getting a unwanted dick in an unwanted place.

    however if i was a tight booty rockin everywhere,late at night, i would be scared the whole time.
    lesson. girls dont try to look attractive at night when theres no one there to save you.

    no but on a serious note. my close friend (girl) was drugged when smoking blunts with some random guy. she was raped that night.
    this is such a downside to being born a girl, you girls have to be extra careful.

    honestly if i born an attractive girl (lol) i would definatly have a weapon on me. its not safe out there
  19. if i were a woman;


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