Rap Battle Tournament Round 1: PuffPuffHOLD Vs. UpFromTheSkies

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by cberry8, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 cberry8, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    Each contestant has 24 hours to check in, once both opponents have checked in, they have 24 hours to drop their verses. Remember the rules, 16 bars/16 lines!!! Questions, just ask refer to the original thread which I provided a link to below.

    Once both verses have been dropped, voting will ensue for 24 hours, then the winner will be decided. Good luck!

    When writing your verses consider the following:

    Any questions on the definitions of the rules, see the original 'Rap Battle Tournament' Thread in the link above.

    In order for your vote to count you must leave an explanation as to why you voted the way you did, otherwise your vote will not be counted. You cannot vote for yourself, either.

    Up from the skies blew my disguise, a guy who wouldn’t care to die Before his mothers eyes, evil multiplies my brain so catch the last train and runaway just say no way Jose ill live another day,skies is tied with chains pulled galaxies away dodging stars to come back and give hell a break, that ain’t truth but fact read an almanac im drunk on captain jack writing battle raps for sewer rats, fiending sun Light so I shine that radioactive smack bagged tight for skies demise,Sewed my mouth shut but still smile n crack jokes on a broke dope addict,,Scratch addict make that habit, no atlas and still at it shit im matic Spraying avalanches calculated by mathematics when Prisoners learn river dances in deformed stances received For bargain pleading second chances as my name rises, I must go savage Fall back with pitty raps copped at mini marts, Aint peaked but outta reach to little kids spitting dirt catching fits ,Riddle this, double puff hold got strangle holds on clouds mixed with loud mouths acting foul so now put my crown down and eat my lyrical chow my child,


    yo, first off.. PuffPuff cant write one good battle bar
    this fool's a bigger cartoon than his avatar!
    he wont travel far in this bracket.. cant hack it.. and me? im goin for gold like the eighteen fifties*
    leavin PuffPuff"HOLD" like im making swiss cheese!
    diss me? please.. im just smilin and laughin now
    cause this kid's "Funny People".. yo where the fuck is judd apatow!?**
    hahah.. im slackin clown.. but still clearly surpassin you
    i got a cold vibe..Puff's wearin gear peers in alaska do!
    what happened fool!? why you even signin up for this?
    i'll dig up dirt on you before you're even lyin under six!
    schemin rhymes on Up? just quit.. and save yourself embarrassment
    no comparin with, im arrogant and breathin fire.. spare a mint!
    this moment? we be sharin it but you're in panic-mode.. im kickin back
    spittin rap like cannon blows injecting all the sickest acts
    im buildin immunities.. champ titles? assumin these..
    these kids should just forfeit.. why they think it's vital to humor me!?

    PuffPuffHOLD - 0
    UpFromTheSkies - 5
  2. i know skies won't be droppin soon but just checkin in, be safe drivin my dude
  3. ^word i wont be drivin til it is safe.. sometime tomorrow. check!
  4. Up from the skies blew my disguise, a guy who wouldn’t care to die Before his mothers eyes, evil multiplies my brain so catch the last train and runaway just say no way Jose ill live another day,skies is tied with chains pulled galaxies away dodging stars to come back and give hell a break, that ain’t truth but fact read an almanac im drunk on captain jack writing battle raps for sewer rats, fiending sun Light so I shine that radioactive smack bagged tight for skies demise,Sewed my mouth shut but still smile n crack jokes on a broke dope addict,,Scratch addict make that habit, no atlas and still at it shit im matic Spraying avalanches calculated by mathematics when Prisoners learn river dances in deformed stances received For bargain pleading second chances as my name rises, I must go savage Fall back with pitty raps copped at mini marts, Aint peaked but outta reach to little kids spitting dirt catching fits ,Riddle this, double puff hold got strangle holds on clouds mixed with loud mouths acting foul so now put my crown down and eat my lyrical chow my child,
  5. yo i gotta extend the 24 hour mark a lil bit.. busy night and work tomorrow so i'll drop first thing tomorrow when im off..

    but in the meantime puff.. you should try to organize that verse into shorter lines so its more readable.. it'll probably lose you votes cause people like to see some structure in the rhymes/flow to make it easier for them to pick it up
  6. thanks for that help ( i have troubles organizing bigtime lol) but i wrote that and posted it so im not going to change it hoping ill get more votes

    i wanna be judged on what i did, changing it would make me think im cheating for revising it the slightest bit
  7. i know the first rap is gonna get judged but i couldn't help this..

    skies aint home but got phones that connect
    to webs, and yet he wont brake bread on threads,
    clean that mess disregard the mass, plenty class
    ive been had by the sacks and your empty blast
    is effectless let alone restless, broads on my bed rest,
    only want tha best nothin less from my next breathe,
    trail these steps back to east coast most loved emcee,
    double puff hold finnessly blesses beats, just blame me
    if ya ears bleed, mystyriously ive perfected this shit,
    and ill still spit if ah hick wants ta milk this
    im the milk man do ya undertand any man can dance,
    but can you rap battle at my track,
    yea it's like that when i grip mic's lettin all out flows
    move crowds who know nothin about bringin clouds down,
    to tha grounds and stomping all around
    like fucking clowns enticing frowns the first round,

  8. well.. youre gonna have to pick one of those and delete the other. you can use either one

    yo, first off.. PuffPuff cant write one good battle bar
    this fool's a bigger cartoon than his avatar!
    he wont travel far in this bracket.. cant hack it.. and me? im goin for gold like the eighteen fifties*
    leavin PuffPuff"HOLD" like im making swiss cheese!
    diss me? please.. im just smilin and laughin now
    cause this kid's "Funny People".. yo where the fuck is judd apatow!?**
    hahah.. im slackin clown.. but still clearly surpassin you \t\t
    i got a cold vibe..Puff's wearin gear peers in alaska do!
    what happened fool!? why you even signin up for this?
    i'll dig up dirt on you before you're even lyin under six!
    schemin rhymes on Up? just quit.. and save yourself embarrassment
    no comparin with, im arrogant and breathin fire.. spare a mint!
    this moment? we be sharin it but you're in panic-mode.. im kickin back
    spittin rap like cannon blows injecting all the sickest acts
    im buildin immunities.. champ titles? assumin these..
    these kids should just forfeit.. why they think it's vital to humor me!?

    *california gold rush was takin place in the 1850s
    **judd apatow is the director of the movie "Funny People"

    gl in the polls homie :)
  9. I read both of puffpuff's verses and then I read up's verse a couple of times and I vote for UP.
    Word play, the avatar reference and some decent punches, I liked it.
    Again no favoritism, just lookin' at it for what it is.
    Ya'll are both my homeboys here.
  10. nice verse, but leave my avatar outta this:p
  11. I disregarded Puff's second verse, but Skies gets my vote. Better flow, same with the punchlines....

    Loved "schemin rhymes on Up? just quit.. and save yourself embarrassment
    no comparin with, im arrogant and breathin fire.. spare a mint!"
  12. Yeah, I'd have to give it to skies. Puff, you kind of got off track towrds the end
  13. Skies gets this pretty easy. Better structure, punches, flow... Everything..

    +1 Skies
  14. Skies definatly.... seems like PuffPuff just be throwing words out.... skies had better flow and some nasty punches... took both puffpuffs verses wit just the one... no harm, just being honest.

    and vote on me and Irons round ppl... i aint gonna lose by just one vote with only 5 casted... if i lose i lose but i wanna see more results
  15. bump for more votes.. Puff could still make a comeback :p

    but yo keep it up homie good battle.
  16. lol Puff cant make a come back after 3 votes and his none.
    But on the bright side hey, I get to battle you next.
    Guard ya grill :p
  17. :)

    yeah.. i always expect more voters than we get for some reason so thats why i said that
  18. skies gets it but puff second one was nice, skies had punches and a proper rhyme scheme,

    but i must mention,

    cookie monster is not a cartoon
  19. hahah i know this fool! i wasnt goin for perfection with that punch.. who wants to be called a bigger cartoon than the cookie monster? not me :laughing:

    i guess i coulda called him a puppet..
  20. Skies. Sick verse with some good punches.

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