Rap Battle Tournament Round 1: madsatvia Vs. Kronologick

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by cberry8, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 cberry8, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    VOTING ENDED....Kronologick wins with a count of 9-0

    definition of sativa says you're "uplifting-and-energetic" sounds good to me!//
    but if you're angry, must mean you were cut, which now means you're a waste of lung capacity//
    I'll smoke mad sativa, until i'm happy, float away high in a bubble//
    turn him into indica, because after this thread was made, sleeping became a trouble//
    If you're angry after smoking, why bother? Sounds like more of an addiction//
    If battles are word play, i've got'er, as your name itself is a contradiction//
    not posting too often? wishful thinking.. "mad" brings denial, which is why
    defeat might take weeks before it finally sinks in//
    this guy is incest, cool, his cousin and him are related-and-dated//
    i usually like sativa, you must've Reincarnated-into-a-faggot//
    I'm a male, I'm a beast, so please make your votes brief!//
    for you to grow, you have to be a female, surely you can turn a new leaf!//
    16 bars is a lot, i could kill you in 4 and above, but then it wouldn't be a war//
    I was gonna rep you, but thats counter-productive, that would make you post more! //

  2. #2 Kronologick, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2011
    Good vibes madsativa!

    definition of sativa says you're "uplifting-and-energetic" sounds good to me!//
    but if you're angry, must mean you were cut, which now means you're a waste of lung capacity//
    I'll smoke mad sativa, until i'm happy, float away high in a bubble//
    turn him into indica, because after this thread was made, sleeping became a trouble//
    If you're angry after smoking, why bother? Sounds like more of an addiction//
    If battles are word play, i've got'er, as your name itself is a contradiction//
    not posting too often? wishful thinking.. "mad" brings denial, which is why
    defeat might take weeks before it finally sinks in//
    this guy is incest, cool, his cousin and him are related-and-dated//
    i usually like sativa, you must've Reincarnated-into-a-faggot//
    I'm a male, I'm a beast, so please make your votes brief!//
    for you to grow, you have to be a female, surely you can turn a new leaf!//
    16 bars is a lot, i could kill you in 4 and above, but then it wouldn't be a war//
    I was gonna rep you, but thats counter-productive, that would make you post more! //
  3. I'm only doing this for the porpoise of expressing myself,
    I don't do this for the fame, the power, or wealth.
    Oops let's get back to that first line,
    I think I noticed a mistake of mine.
    But you get the gist of what I'm tryin'
    To say, not talkin' about dolphins,
    I just take me cares and put them in a coffin,
    They're so far out of reach never to be retrieved.
    I know winning this battle is something that you perceived.
    If the crowd picks you it shows just how much they know,
    When you were in the womb your mom must have drank Draino,
    I hope I'm makin' it obvious that you are too slow,
    You'll never be able to catch up with my flow,
    Just like Ice, turn off the lights and I glow,
    For the rap battle, quid pro quo I say HELL NO!
    I wish you well, but for the second round I think I'll go.
  4. kronologic even if his bars were hella long
  5. my vote is for Kronologick, the punches were really there, along with the personals, while satvia's took too long to get to anything battle worthy

    vote: krono
  6. I see what Mad was trying to get across, but this is a battle, and punches do count. Krono just had a lot more punches then sativa, and I was feelin his flow a little more.

    +1 Krono
  7. thanks for voting.

    best of luck with the rest of the voting, madsativa.

    good verse as well brutha.
  8. Same man, you put it down and it looks like you're going through. No worries for me, it's all for fun. Good luck in subsequent rounds, i'll still be peeping this tourney.
  9. I was definitely feelin madsativa's verse, but I gotta give this to kronologick.
    it was just a stronger statement
  10. Kronologik hands down.... mad sativa just didnt do it for me.... one for Krono
  11. let me get that chrono mixed with logic

    kronologick gets my vote
  12. kronologic takes it for me because hes got some punches, but madsativa seemed like he typed out a poorly thought freestyle
  13. krono's seemed more well-thought and the punches were there

    +1 Krono
  14. +1 Krono, like everyone else said, punches.

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