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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by HelpDesk, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. I get so aggravated when people around me use weed as a crutch...

    If you don't have a medical issue, then you're only using it for a good time.

    I've heard so many things like:

    This one dumb-ass girl got broken up with so she went an bought an ounce to make herself feel better..........


    A friend of a friend was into heavy drinking... He had to quit and couldn't handle the psychological withdrawal, so he smoked to distract himself...

    Like how weak minded do you have to be? I smoked cigs for like 4 months straight... about a pack every 2 days. After the end of the 4th month i just quit cold turkey. Never looked back. Had urges to smoke, but nothing i couldn't just ignore.

    Like seriously?

    I understand people that actually use it as a medicine. That's not a crutch, that's like... Well it just doesn't seem as bad to me.

    What do you people think?
  2. Not everyone thinks or handles a situation the same way man.

    Smoke a bowl, chill to some Marley and put yourself in someone elses shoes. They might do something you "disagree" with but if you try and look at it from their perspective.. maybe you can figure out why they do those things that... aggravate you..
  3. What wrong with soking to cheer yourself up? Theres been plenty of time ive felt down and bought some weed to feel better.

    Would you rather he be an alcoholic? If he took up painting as a distraction would you say he uses painting as a crutch?
  4. Well the people i speak of are asinine hipster-esque type people...

    So if i put myself in their shoes... I'd probly kill myself.
  5. i smoke cause i like to but maybe part of the reason i like it is b/c i like to be able to drown every thing but whats happening now out...but on the topic of things that annoy me are people who dont mind there own business...:rolleyes:
  6. I actually never heard of this, I hope I never will hear of it either.
  7. well what does that show you about strength?
  8. I don't see what's wrong with smoking some weed to feel better about a break up? What is it you consider medicinal? It shouldn't be illegal so I don't even see why people can't use it whenever they feel like it, however they want, etc. You aren't them, why pretend you know?
  9. What bothers me


    when people ty

    pe their post like


    What's wrong with using it as a crutch with an event like that? It's a drug that makes people feel happy. Just like when people smoke a cigg or have a beer or glass of wine when stressed.
  10. everyone deals with life differently,some people when they get down or depressed need a little pick me up and weed IMO is perfect for that.i would rather someone use weed as a crutch then food,liquor,or harder drugs.
  11. This is just more pot elitism. Who cares why they smoke?

  12. Plenty ;)

    I don't know... like legit physical conundrums.

    Hey! Kill your self :) I did it like that as to not have my post be a wall of text.. I thought i was writing more, but i lost my train of thought.
  13. OP: Stop being a judgmental wanker, not everyone is as masochistic as you.
  14. I have my card for bipolar, marijuana does not help me in the least for any sort of physical pain. Because of marijuana, I am able to stay off of some medications that I really don't want to be on. I think depression is definitely a legitimate medical reason to smoke, and I think most people suffer from at least a little depression at times, IE you just broke up.
  15. Honestly man who gives a shit how people cope. People like you who care how other people live there life annoy me. Live in you're world leave others alone unless you're invited, otherwise STAY IN YOURES.
  16. OP, I think you're being a bit too pretentious about this. People use all sorts of activities and chemicals as a crutch to deal with certain things in life.

    And to be honest with you, I'd rather share this Planet with a million other potheads than all of the "legal" drug addicts and alcoholics and all the issues THEY bring to society.

    If weed is a crutch, than I'd pick that crutch over ANY other, because I know the impact on those around me is minimal by comparison.
  17. a week ago i got so fucking scared because my grandma told me my girlfriend which i have been with for two years now was my cousin(which was not true shes just retarded)

    because of the shock i smoked so much weed that i puked while taking a shit

    i use my weed for a good time, yes i do. why? ill tell you why because its a "good" time lol enjoy life and quit being a prick

  18. I'm no masochist :(

    Well depression and bipolar-ism are legit conditions... But being broken up with, i mean really... you can get over it.

    Umm... You don't sound like you have many friends.

    Well it's understandable.... But over used as a crutch.

  19. Why am i a prick!? Besides the first part of your post, I'm pretty much on the same side as you.

    It's meant for a good time, or for medical purposes... Not escaping from a situation you can't handle.

  20. it's an illegal drug.. what the FUCK do you think people use it for? and also what is your 'severe physical conundrum' that justifies your use? We all know that weed has very little medical benifits at all so stop lying to yourself and say that it should only be used for 'severe physical conundrums'... get some fucking pain medications everyone seems to think those are sooo bad if you're afraid of becoming a druggy for taking MEDICATION DRUGS then you're a pussy and also very stupid

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