Ok, so this is dealing with my job. I work as a freelance web designer. I have a contract with this electronics company here in WA to do work for them and lead their "team" of developers. I do good quality work, my projects are always completed on time or in advance. This job was supposed to give me atleast 40 hours per WEEK with X amount per hour. About 2 months after starting the job I was told they wouldnt give me anymore than 40 hours every TWO WEEKS. I wanted to quit right there but I decided to stick with it because of the promise of larger projects coming up soon giving me more hours and money per hour. Now, my boss is shady as fuck. Granted he has helped me out greatly with a couple different things but over all hes shady and pissing me off. He tells me to call him and either doesnt answer or calls back hours later... EVERY TIME. He doesnt hardly give me enough information half the time and waiting to hear back from him reduces my working time which in exchange, pisses me off more. Now, the thing that has me most upset. He is supposed to pay me on the 1st and 16th of every month. Lately... hes been getting slower and slower with my payment. He was paying me with checks but due to his "company changing banks and other things" He wanted me to go get a special bank account for him to deposit my money into so it would be easier than me driving 30 min to the office to pick up a check. etc... Now, When my money is due to me I expect to have it on time. Im already at a loss of many hours due to his bullshitting around and have recently been living pay check to paycheck... which i should not have to be doing with my right pay. Everytime he doesnt have my money to me on time I call him and I down right bug the shit out of him about it. So now I have my bank account and I was supposed to be paid on saturday. Its now Tuesday and the account is still empty. I just got off the phone with him and he was a rude ass mother fucker. I wont go into the whole conversation but I am absolutely furious at this point and dont know if i should just quit or keep trying to work for this armanian mother fucker. What would you do if your money was constantly and consistently getting paid to you later? Along with that, your hours are getting less and less every pay period, He is lost himself and half the time doesnt know what he wants? sorry if this dont make any sense lmao im fucking pissed off and just lost my god damn high because of it.
Contracts....use them. I would be looking at parting ways with this guy...or put a contract in place for your protection. As to this jerk needing a bank account he has access too....bullshit, he can MAIL the payments like millions of other businesses.
yea i agree. I told him I didnt want an account and prefer paper checks. But he basically refuses to keep doing that. So im looking for another company that would like my services.