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Ranking the most dangerous drugs [video]

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Soul Flower, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. i just finished watching this video in its entirety, and i have to admit that it left me feeling a little unsettled.

    Is Alcohol Worse than Ecstasy 2008

    its a little old, so it may have been posted up before, but i still feel there are parts of the video worth discussing.

    so a bunch of scientists in the UK decided to reconsider exactly how dangerous and harmful the most widely used drugs are.
    heroin and blow topped the list, with alcohol and tobacco also in the top ten. herb, acid, and E were all in the lower 20.

    what left me feeling a bit uncomfortable was the study they conducted where they intravenously administered high doses of THC into subjects. (excerpt here.. skip to 1:20)

    [ame=]YouTube - 3-5 Is Alcohol Worse than Ecstasy[/ame]

    volunteers began experiencing psychotic symptoms on high doses (a.k.a. being high as fuck). when i first watched this, i started laughing uncontrollably just thinking about how high that guy must have been.. having thc pumped into his fucking blood stream for two hours.

    but then some shit dawned on me.. isnt it possible that the human brain, when exposed to high levels of thc over long periods of time (in many of our cases, years on end), can develop psychotic symptoms as described above?

    i guess the rebuttal to this would be that a rise in the number of schizophrenia/psychosis cases should have correlated with the rise in daily pot smokers in the 60s and 70s.. i'm not sure if today's psychosis cases reflect the number of heavy pot smokers from the past, but judging from simple anecdotes and shit, i'm left in a small state of panic. i have a few friends who claim their parents used to smoke on a daily basis for years in their youth and that they now seem a bit "off". this obviously isnt the case for everyone, but it still kinda scares me.

    i've always known marijuana isnt exactly a benign substance, but fuck would i hate to have psychosis when i'm older.


    i would love for someone to talk me out of this shit
  2. Chill dude!

    My dad's been toking since he was about 20, smoking every day pretty much.
    I know others that have been smoking for a long time as well... none of them have any psychotic illnesses...

    'Just sit back, and enjoy some of the rarest weed known to mankind'

  3. hahahaha bbc is scaring the shit out of me!! i guess its pretty ironic that i started thinking of all this shit while peaking on an edible too
  4. Propoganda. What discredits this "study" for me is the fact that they gave a first time user large doses of THC and none of the other cannabinoids present in cannabis.
  5. Theyre injecting that stuff intraveneously and they even say that its not comparable to smoking cannabis. Thats pure THC going right into your bloodstream. Smoking every day doesn't equal getting this amount of THC is such a short amount of time.

  6. even if the methods of the study were flawed, it still made me view being "high" in a whole new light.

    i think somewhere in the documentary (or somewhere else, i'm not really sure where i heard this) that being under the influence of psychoactive drugs is nothing more than a brief episode of psychosis.

    taking acid, e, shrooms, alcohol, cannabis, etc.. all these things do is produce a brief state of psychosis. my train of thought was, if being high is nothing more than a brief state of psychosis, then doesnt it kinda make sense that prolonged exposure has a chance of producing a permanent, or very long, state of psychosis later in life?

    or are these all just paranoid thoughts?
  7. No hate intended man....but seriously, stop tweaking :eek:

    The studies they show are seriously biased. First of all, direct THC injection? Typically, the THC concentration of cannabis is between 3-10%. Sure, you may feel some sypmtoms of breif phsychosis, but you also have an increase of different cannaboids, increasing symptoms of pleasure.

    Just another study to brainwash society.

    Keep smokin :smoking:

  8. i just found relief in the form of a study dispelling my hypotehsis...$file/TR.121.PDF

    page 7 pretty much sums up what i wanted to know.

    PHEW!!! my stoner days avoid yet another possible setback
  9. you know a lot of people with mental and emotional problems smoke to self medicate. Then later on in life there symptoms show and they blame it on the weed. Its correlation not causation.
  10. looks like they figured out when you smoke weed you get high :O
  11. i beleive alcohol is worse then escasy as i beleive it is the worst drug once your addicted to it. But marijuana being number 11 with something that hasnt been proven... thats bull espically causeing one death a year.

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