So glad to hear that Randy is free after being in a Czech prison for over a month!!! He was in there for an incident from back in 2010 where some fan jumped on stage during a concert and got thrown back into the crowd where he went into a coma and eventually died from bleeding in the brain. Here is the video of the incident. [ame=]RANDY BLYTHE alleged manslaughter - SLOW MOTION - YouTube[/ame] To me at least it seems like the security guard did the real damage. You can still see one of Randy's hands on the mic and singing when the kid gets thrown back. Another messed up thing is that the band didn't even know the kid died or that anything happened until they showed up in the Czech Republic this year to do a show and the police were waiting for Randy when they landed at the airport. The band or their people weren't even contacted during the 2 year span from when it happened to when he got arrested. They appealed his bail of like $400,000 twice and let him finally leave after over a month in prison and then another like 12 hour court session where they deemed it okay for him to return to the states. He said in an interview after he was released that he is no flight risk and that he will definitely return for trial if they need him to. Come on hes in a world famous band its not like you won't be able to find him lol Anyway...Glad hes back home and cannot wait to hear him vent about his experience in some new Lamb of God songs/album. Their latest album Resolution was very good!!! I think Lamb of God is one of the few metal bands who can keep making amazing music album after album while most of these bands fall off after a few. I can listen to them as Burn the Priest and their As the Palaces burn album all the way through Resolution and not get sick of them!!! This ones for you Randy!!! [ame=]Lamb of God - As the Palaces Burn - YouTube[/ame]