i live in northern California and we had some thunderstorms and lightning with rain last night and meteorologist say that this weather will continue for a week off and on. the babies have been outside for about 4 weeks. we put them under the awning last night and out of the rain plus wind. i am praying that they don't go into flower over this weather. i am new at this so my question is should i be worried about this random off and on week of overcast and some scattered showers and is there anything i can do to preventing them from getting tricked by the weather and go into flower? OH, on a side note, i took some clippings. i dipped them in some clonex gel and into rockwool cubes under floresnts with a cover to promote a humid enviorment. i was told to leave the small floresents on for 24 hrs. the clippings immediatley started drooping and they havnt imporved much after a few hours. is there anything i did wrong or need to know when taking clippings for clones. and can i take clippings if the plant goes into flower? plz plz help J