Random school drug testing

Discussion in 'General' started by OhHaydar, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Today at school some of my classmates were pulled out for the districts random drug testing. They do not do any extra curricular activities. They just Simply go to school. How is this even legal? If I am pulled out by random can I refuse the test? Or at least tell my parents to refuse it for me. Anyone know the legality of this?

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  2. If the school does it, it's legal.  :laughing:
  3. Bring on the nazi state!
  4. They used to have random raids by my old school with dogs and full body searches.

    It wasn't really for weed though, I went to a rough school.
  5. damn that's some nazi type shit
  6. i think high schools and middle schools are allowed to do that. last year my cousin and 3 of his friends got their lockers and cars searched because one of the guys came to school high.
  7. Idk man I'm no expert, but you should be able to demand to see where it says that they can do that legally, also, I bet your parents would be able to cancel the drug test. If not, just skip school for a little while and toke it up while you're gone. :bongin:
  8. You or your parents probably signed something allowing them to conduct drug tests unknowingly.

  9. Did your parents sign the sheet you get in a packet at the beginning of the semester?
  10. you would have had to sign a document
    fuck em

  11. Are you in america? Cause it shouldnt be legal. If you live in the us and its a far left political state, theres your answer.
  12. after seeing this thread, i can't get over the fact they actually do random drug tests at high schools now.
    they must really want to fuck up people's futures as soon as humanly possible
  13. at my school they required us to submit for random testing for just driving to school and parking in their parking lot.
    Because it's not like the kids who actually have their lives together joining extra curricular activities etc. could be doing drugs responsibly :rolleyes:
    he probably accidentally signed something giving them permission.  Otherwise I would think it would be illegal search and seizure of your piss
  15. We had drug dogs sniff lockers, no drug tests though
  16. I assume you go to a private school, because in a publicly funded school it would not be legal. The rule is that if you pay to attend, they can do whatever they want. If you don't like the policy, don't pay to go.
  17. My high school did drug tests. But your parents had to opt in or out so it was up to them
  18. Your school wouldn't happen to be in 1940's Germany would it?
  19. Unless you sign a consent form which id bet he did at registration. Then they can. Had to sign them when i played HS sports never got tested though.

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  20. I never heard of a school drug test besides sports

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