So as you know, of all our senses, smell is the one most linked to memory. Why then in our dreams can we experience every sense but smell? Maybe it's just me but (I have vivid dreams almost every single night) I have NEVER been able to smell in my dreams and just the other night I had a dream about someone giving me cologne as a gift, I remember spraying it and trying to smell it but I got nothing.. Also, again, TOTALLY random, how the hell do tennis balls get their smell? It's probably just a mixture of the chemicals used in the production process but it's honestly my absolute favorite smell..weird huh. If only they made some kind of cologne/perfume that smelled like tennis balls lol I would be in heaven
lol @ the tennis ball smell. But a lot of people, like myself, can smell and taste in dreams, especially lucid ones.
It seems like all my senses are more "in my head" in a dream. That's how I know whether or now I'm dreaming.
i can barely see in a dream. It's usually a blur, unless i dont smoke for a whiles, then its "better".