Random plant I found I need to know what it is Someone help

Discussion in 'General' started by Doggmann420, Sep 19, 2005.

  1. I found a plant thats about 6'5 3 3 and a half feet wide With crystals all over it on the leaves stems and pods the pods are the size of a quarter... most of them its got purple on the top of the pods with spiky looking things coming off of the pod kind of like a poppy plant just differant it has some orange flowers and the seeds are white and have oilie stuff inside of them its being hiddin and trimed I'm just curious on what it is cause no one knows that I've asked I have pictures of it too if you wanna see it.
  2. chop it up into small peices and eat some, then smoke some, then iv some and see if you get fucked up. if not, sell it to someone and tell the exact opposite.

    ps, i am full of shit.

  3. im quoteing myself, how ironic. anyways, a new post for simply this:

    pss: welcome to the city, enjoy your stay. The people here will treat you like your mommy.

    psss: dxm fucks with your mind. especially 750mg pure. teehee.
  4. ya show the pictures i wanna see this shit
    find a 30x magnifying glass when the trichomes are amber harvest the plant before he/she does

    sorry but you all would do the same.
  5. Whats your email or screenname and I'll show you
  6. Me and my friend are currently chopping it up and smoking it lol I'll be back when we're done
  7. No.
  8. You know the days are still getting shorter.
    You know the plant can at least double in yeild before it should be harvested.
    You know how to properly dry and cure a plant.
    You know how much work it takes to keep a MJ plant alive this long.
    You know that plants picked prematurely taste worse and have a much less powerful and less stoney high.

    Oh, wait. No you don't.
    because YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON and a THIEF

  9. he might be a theif but that was a little harsh...:confused:
  10. Lets say the plant finishes at 8'
    Thats around 20 ounces of bud
    At only $180/ounce that's $3,600 worth of bud that the grower missed out on because of some loser kids.
    Still think I was being harsh?
  11. put it back or ill poop in ur mouth wen u sleep...

  12. hehe you know kid, your acually an idiot! because he made that quote, with the intention of trying to make my stupid ass anti-jokes funny. Now i for one appretiate it, because now i dont feel like as big of a loser. its funny how people can talk shit over the internet and feel tough aint it?

    we'll let the rats corelate this orchestra, ill meet you overboard.
  13. haha and something i just realized, he NEVER EVEN SAID HE WAS GONNA TAKE IT! lol, people these days.
  14. BURNED!
  15. i think the kid was just being sarcastic, and wasnt really smoking it.
    plus it doesnt sound like its a weed plant anyway
    not from what he described up there

    he needs to post pics!

  16. fuck all that, boy ill take you to the shed and lay an o'l ass whippin on your hiney that'll rival any shit yo momma eva did.

    other then that, peace.

    people who steal are real fucking jerks, but he never said he was gonna steal it so i didnt lay any love down.
    A cool thing to do would be to like leave a note by the plant with your email or something, to contact the grower. If he has a plant like that he knows what hes doing, and the knowledge you could gain through someone like that would outweigh stealing it by far. Shit, if i was the grower i would hook you up with some of the harvest for being so straight.
  17. yea, then if the cops happen to stumble upon it, before the grower
    than they have your email and/or phone number

    id say that it is not a good idea to do that, lol, but maybe if you happen to catch the guy in action, or something like that
  18. Heres an idea, both of you shut-up. Since when did the city turn into a place for bitch-fests.

    Sounds like you need to change your manpon.
  19. both of who?

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