Random light times help?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Captain Black Thumb, Oct 20, 2022.

  1. Hi my GS family.. yes before I start I know it's just easier to use a timer which I've done today lol but up until then my female clones had been getting random hours of light during veg for around 3 weeks.. I'd turn the lighs on and back off myself so some days they might get 4 hours of darkness or some days 6 or 7.. depending on when I could get to them.. these periods were always solid dark periods light proof with no light leaks and they are growing fast and look great they never got more than 8 hours of darkness it was always between 4 and 8 of straight dark but like I said it was a different amount of hours each day for those 3 weeks in veg.. any chance of herming??? All the new growth is giving of a female sex pistil buy I read you won't know it's herm until put into flower also the strains are grand daddy purple and banana strawberry

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  2. hey i do the exact thing i never used a timer some nights they get 6 some 7 some even 8 but never more than 8 or less than 5 i am about a month in check out my post under cherry pie anyways the most crucial part to me and i have 10 harvests under my belt is when its flower time 12 hours complete darkness is crucial i set my alarm to switch them i never used a timer i like being hands on BTW those look great
  3. Thanks so much for putting my mind at ease and cherry pie is my favourite strain I did that in my last grow came out amazing the buds so were dense
  4. i just gave mine a makeover check out my post

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