Random acts of kindness

Discussion in 'General' started by GrassCatcher, Oct 15, 2012.

  1. So for some reason I've recently been trying to do a lot of random acts for people (whom I know and do not know). Anyways, at my job, (I'm a server at a hotel restaurant) the chefs are always really really nice and always make us servers food and shit even when we don't ask for it. The other day, I over heard the chefs talking to each other about how happy they were to get 20 bucks outta the tip jar so I was thinking one day soon maybe I'll sneak a 50 in there. It'd be nice to see how happy they all get lol. Tell me what you guys think. Is it a plausible idea or should I just forget about it?
  2. Go for it man.
  3. You definitely should man. That would be so cool on your part.
  4. I work at a hotel restaurant too. I would never tip the chefs. The chefs make a great hourly rate, I make my money based on tips. They aren't giving me any of their paycheck, why would I do so? I mean if you got enough money that you can afford to do this go for it, brighten their day up.
  5. Alright that settles it. I'm gonna do it lol. I'll let you guys know how it went when I do :D
  6. Kindness is a great thing. Helping someone out always makes my day.

    It's nice to know we have some truely good people roaming amongst us.
  7. Gave some random dude on the side of the road 5 bucks for gas the other day. All I had and others were just passing him.
  8. One time I ran out of gas and coasted into a gas station. I managed to get it to the pump before it died completely. Now what? No money, I was on my way to Dover to cash my paycheck. I get out of the car and start looking under the seats for loose change. I managed to scrape together 55 cents before I notice someone standing behind me. I stand up and turn around and this older guy holds out five bucks. I was an atheist at the time but I said "thank you and God bless". I was glowing for the rest of the day.

    It really does make a difference to know that some people actually give a shit. When I can help people out I usually do. Even when I was a junkie I would give my change to the homeless guy on the corner. There is nothing stopping me from ending up just like him/her. Nobody is better or worse than anyone else.
  9. I let all your mothers have sexual intercourse with me.
  10. Eh, I try to keep money out of my random acts of kindness.
    but thats just me
  11. Yours was the best of all. Her kindness made me feel reeeal good.
  12. Yeah i did a Random acts of kindness once, jack off a hobo once, yup ya heard it right lol jk
  13. That's what it's about man, do good things n good things happen
  14. I'm a firm believer in Karma.

    Irrelevant story but when I was in high school my brother loved playing basketball with me and I never had the time. One night I had school off the next day and nothing keeping me from hanging out so I just played with him for a bit and messed around, it made his night and I had a good time with my brother surprisingly.

    Later that night I felt some random need to move my stash jar (I was about 15 or 16 at the time) from my super good spot in my guest room to another one in my own room. No reason, I just took it from my spot and moved it into my room.

    So the next day I sleep in on my off day and wake up around noon, maybe closer to 1 in the afternoon. I go into my guest room and my mom had decided to clean up and had gone through everything in that room. There is no way in hell she would have missed my jar had I not moved it, and I still don't know what made me decide to move it.

    I have since been a strong believer in karma.
  15. Why do you have to ask and contemplate whether you should do something nice? Phony
  16. Generosity is great, but don't over do it.

    I once went to McDonalds with my friends and the homeless man outside asked if I had money.

    I only had like a 20...so I went to 7/11 next door and bought him Marlboro Reds and gave him the change.

    The guy was so happy he gave me a hug.

    I hugged a homeless man.

    Eh. Sometimes I am feeling nice.

  17. Money for cigarettes. What a saint. Support that portion of the population that spends more on cigarettes each month than their income.

  18. I mean, the guy was homeless and probably highly addicted to nicotine.

    How else can I be kind to the poor soul?
    Drive him to a rehab center? :devious:
  19. I was pumping gas once and this dude politly asked me if i had a quater or so for gas because he was out. He looked very worried and seemed ina rush but i ended up giving him a $5 because i know that feel very well and he hesistated but took it and kept saying thank you.

    I felt pretty good and ive done many act of kindness several times when i used to work at a gas station

    Karmas taking awhile :/
  20. I'm big on random acts of kindness. Money, hugs, listening ears, anything. Its really fantastic to do random acts of kindness because its never expected and its always nice to shift people's paradigm of the world, if only for a day. Everyone is a personal cynic and to make someone's day is truly a good feeling. Not to mention when you do nice unto someone, chances are you can put them in a good mood to do something nice for someone else. Its like a big chain of niceness.


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