Random acts of Highness

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by wonkasnout, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. Who's got some good stories about some generous people keeping the high going around passing out free bud to be nice?

    I'll go first,
    Today I walked my girls dog to the gas station to run in and get a pack of Marlb 83s, and on my way out a man stepped out of a landscaping work truck. He said "man that's a cool dog" and I replied "yea, she's got her holiday collar on." Since she was wearing jingle bells. I stopped on the sidewalk for a second to light up a cig and throw away my garbage, seeing as there was a trash can right next to me at the time. Then I looked up and asked the man, "hey, are you guys looking for anyone to work for you?" And he said as he approached me with a smile on his face "not at the moment... Here, take the rest" He handed me half of a lit blunt I didn't even realize he had in his hand the whole time. I laughed and told the kind man that he had made my day
    I love random instances like these, I'm used to giving out to random, it feels great when you get back.

    Spark up and share away!

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  2. the other day i was flying and i come back down to earth to give my boy half a gram. but like complete strangers i cannot recall an instance. i've offered this pizza lady one time, she said no.
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  3. I have headed off to re-up and given pan handlers a gram or so a few times.
    Figured it would help their day go by a little easier.
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  4. I was walking home one night last week with a J in one hand and a can of Jack Daniels in the other (to drunk to worry abt cops) when a homeless guy came up to me and asked if I had a few dollars. Being the drunk I was I told him I had no cash but I would roll up another j and have a session with him... It was fun talking to him and learning what life decisions led him to living on the street. The only problem was after we finished he tryed to follow me home.

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