Hey today makes day 25 since sprouting and I’ve notice an issue this morning. I’m a new grower and this is my first grow, my plant leaves were turned side ways and the leaves at the bottom on the plant are looking bad. The plants are under 18/6 light, humidity can range from 45-80 from day to night and the temp stays between 65-85. I have only given my plants ph balanced water 6.5. On day 15 I transfer the plants from solo cups to 5 galloon pots using root magic and watered them. I haven’t feed them any waters in the past 7 days because the pots still felt pretty heavy. However I’m considering giving them some water today and maybe nutrients. Any tips suggestions is appreciated. Do you suggest feeding nutrients right now? I listed all the supplies I gathered by watching numerous YouTube videos.
That's miracle grow for you. Looks like nute burn so adding nutes will increase that. Your pots are still heavy because as you can see on the bag it says water conserve. Not a good choice for cannabis, just be careful watering. You kind of have a weird array of products. Miracle grow organic water conserve garbage and synthetic bottle nutes more suited for hydroponics. It can be done, you'll just have to be careful. Molasses feeds the micro organisms needed for an organic grow but once you add that bottled nutes they will damage or kill off most of the micro organisms which arent needed with synthetic nutes
I will agree with the soil choice, the stuff contains a gel like stuff that absorbs water and holds it in until the plant sucks it dry, not too much of a issue there as long as you dont start to over water it. As for the bottom leaf dying, it looks to be the single leaf from the seed sprout and those will always die off as the plant grows. As for the nutes, I would hold off a bit as the soil is feeding them already, give it a few weeks and would suggest a flush before starting the nutes. And when ya start those, cut the dose to a quarter to half the amount and slowly over feeding/watering increase to the normal suggested amounts. That's my opinion anyway.
Thanks, I’m sorry I’m a bit illiterate when it comes to this and all my knowledge comes from different youtube videos. So what exactly do I need to change or do differently? Are you suggesting changing the soil ? If so what soil do you suggest ? And how would I transfer the plant to a new soil pot without damaging the roots ?
I wouldn't stress it too much, being a first time mistakes will always be made, I did many things wrong with my last grow, mostly to see how much stress my strain of NL could handle. But with soils I'm unsure as I myself use recycled soils from past grows, all of the 800+ pounds of soil I have is a mix of everything you could think of. After this crop I plan on buying all new soils and mixing my own mix up.
Thanks, so I shouldn’t worry too much about this issue ? Also I didn’t take a picture but some of the leaves on the plant are turned sides ways. The picture shows the plant before the two leaves at the top and bottom turned right.