Ramen noodles: fork or spoon?

Discussion in 'General' started by smokeRises, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Do you eat ramen noodles with a fork or a spoon?

  2. Both.
  3. spoon because i crush the noodles while they're still in the bag.
  4. Chopsticks, always.
  5. Neither, I shove my face in the bowl.

    Om Nom Nom :yummy:
  6. I eat it with a straw.
  7. Chopsticks and a spoon.

  8. I eat them with green eggs and ham. You take the ham in your right hand, eggs in your left and just squeeze the noodles between them, but you gotta be careful not to break the yolks. Otherwise it looks like your noodles got snotty. I like to get snotty. :confused:

    Alternative ending: a fork.
  9. i put the absolute minimum amount of water in so I can use a fork.

    Though I'd be lying if I said i've never just shoved my face into the cup.

    Anyone ever eat it without water? its like chicken flavor chips!
  10. lol whats a "spoon"?
  11. It's kind of like a fork but less stabby and more scoopy
  12. That reminds me, I need to make myself some lunch :yummy:
  13. lol i know im just fuckin with you guys.

    but idk a spoon would seem kinda -________- when eating noodles. id be like "this spoon is broken it does not work"
  14. [​IMG]
  15. Rockin' the spoon :metal:
  16. [​IMG]
  17. That is stupid, his spoon is too big.

  18. Who the hell eats it with a spoon, I imagine that being rather difficult.
  19. yep look at their faces. theyre like "how we gon do this niggga. niggga yous a banana"

    yeah see that shit sounds retarded.

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