
Discussion in 'General' started by Mendi769, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. is a motherfucking bad ass, every one even that newer one. but yea If i could be Rambo i so would...theres really no point to this besides the fact that i wanted to state Rambo is a bad ass motherfucker.
  2. Chuck Norris could kill Rambo
  3. Chuck Norris sucks:laughing:
    And he's overrated.
  4. [quote name='"LSDForPeace"']Chuck Norris sucks:laughing:
    And he's overrated.[/quote]

    This fuck chuck Norris, Rambo all day!!!
  5. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rkdTcQLwZ4]THE EXPENDABLES 2 Trailer HD - YouTube[/ame]

    watching it for the cast, should be great. they're all badasses
  6. id trade my life to be rambo, he is one beasty mother fucker.
  7. You guys do know he is just a fictional character though right?;)
  8. [quote name='"LSDForPeace"']You guys do know he is just a fictional character though right?;)[/quote]

    Oooohhhh nooooo, you ruined my hero!! But he's still one bad ass motherfucker.
  9. But they just keep pushing him. Why does everyone keep pushing rambo?
  10. [quote name='"GoldenGinge"']But they just keep pushing him. Why does everyone keep pushing rambo?[/quote]

    Are you watching the marathon too? He's such a bad mother fckdr he just broke out of a police station
  11. Rambo is bad ass! I wish I could tear someone's throat with my bare hands, shit!
  12. My nickname is Rambo, and I have a Tat of rambo on my ribcage (The name not stallone's face) hahaha. But been that way since 8th grade
  13. And he ain't gonna do shit about this post..

    Chuck Norris, I challenge you to a fight! :cool:
  14. This movie is going to suck. It's wayyy too gimmicky. Way too overloaded with actors no body cares about anymore.
  15. Rambo is freakin bad ass.

  16. i fucking love Rambo.

    honest to god, Rambo is so badass he makes Jack Bauer look like a pussy. And thats saying something considering 24 is my favorite series ever, and Jack Bauer is among my favorite action heroes.

    I dont know what you mean by "Even the newer one" because lets face it here. That movie was fucking badass. way better than the third. he killed like 150 people on that 50 cal. and lets not forget his eviscerations, and throat tearing outing.
  17. this is kinda funny to me. Earlier today was going through some old VHS tapes, found first blood... fucking thing wouldnt play though. Rambo is great, but I hate the new one. There is little to no plot. Just dudes killing cuz they're psychos.

    First blood is great though. Oh and fuck chuck norris, he couldn't beat bruce lee, so there.
  18. The first and second ones were great...
  19. Rambo 2 and 3 sucked.
    1st and last were good
  20. Rambo is a bad ass. That's also the name of my knife.

    The last one proved what idiots humanitarians are for going into war zones without weapons thinking that they won't get fucked up.


    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JURGRFl3nDI]Rambo 4 scene - YouTube[/ame]

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