Raising soil ph in organic soil

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Collickluke, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. Can someone tell me how to raise soil ph I’m using Gaia green living soil and my soil ph is 5.5 then wen dries goes to 6.5 leaves are showing issues
  2. #2 theepopeofdope, Jul 9, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2020
    Not too familiar with that soil, but if it's being marketed as a living soil then I suspect it may also have some slow release nutrients in it, which I think is likely the problem. It may not be so simple as a pH issue.

    Here is an article I like about pH and readings: Runoff pH: Explaining the Bro Science | Curious Cultivations

    To fix your problem, if you're in a small container, I would just switch soils. My choice is dirt cheap bag soil, something organic that has nothing fancy in there. I've used products like Kelloggs over and over again with no problems, $8 for 1.5 cuft. I've used Walmart soil, G&B organics, etc.

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