Southern Arizona... 8:30p.m. Police arrived at my door with a search warrant and invited themselves in upon me opening the door.... I was extracted along with the rest of my family and a thorough search was conducted... conviscated, was a bong, wooden mortar of crushed stems and seeds, Silver surfer vaporizer, 6jars with (mycelium piss) on the sides, a sample from my mushroom aquarium (even though they are legal either way), Two scales, a dead 6 inch dried marijuana plant pulled days before- and a day old seedling growing out of my mushroom soil I had no idea about... and they took my 40 bucks as drug related monies... their reason: Multiple reports of heavy traffic comming through my house... people comming and going frequently with me sometimes running out to a car for an (exchange)... The truth: I smoke pot... lots of my friends roll through all day get me high, sometimes i get them high.... sometimes we throw down on pot together so people have to come by and drop off their money-either on their way to school or work... I get the pot dropped off, or I go with a couple other cats i throw down with and friends come pick up the sack... it might be considered trafficking-but not even for my personal gain: I define it as just helpin my other friends out... I grow mushrooms-legal mushrooms... scales are there to seperate what we buy together -both plants were accidental- first wasnt noticed until 3 weeks into the dark period it takes mycelium to colonate substrate... the second popped up the day I got caught or must have- at least... I was charged with posession of marijuana, posession of marijuana for sale, and paraphenilia... the rest of the charges should pop up when i go to court- Im just wondering whats the possibility any of these will stick other than the paraphenilia? Im no dealer... just a social stoner bargain shopper/mycologist...
Definetly sucks. I avoid these situations by being extremely nice to my neighbors. Like raking some of their leaves, shoveling their sidewalks off, just helping them do whatever, always wave with a smile. It's always the neighbors man, gotta remain on their goodside. Not saying you weren't, this is just my experiance.
this is all that needs to be said. i got some advice for you get a RESPECTED lawyer. be smart and seek legal counsel you my friend, are in a very bad spot.
my friend got caught smoking weed by a cop and had a scale in his car. he told them that he uses it so he doesnt get ripped off from the dealer. and they bought it. but i dont see how they can pin you on selling. did they find a lot of cash? did they see you making transactions? baggies? if i were you i would just be straight up and tell them that you obviously use weed for recreational uses only and that they wasted their time lol. but i wish you luck on your situation.
well my friend does use it for that reason. but they wanted to pin him with intent to sell and all that. but he just caught a paraphenilia(sp) charge.
no baggies except my own used ones... all tha weed they could pin me with was what they got from the corners of the bags and the scrap they swept off my tray... IDK how them mu' fuckers expect me to sell seeds n stems??? I got no money for a lawyer...-maby i should start sellin drugs...
BAhahahahHAHA that cracked me up^^ Sorry man thats a lame situation, you can still take pride in the satisfaction of knowing that judge that signed the warrant probably looks like a douche.
Exactly ! ... being nice doesnt cost you shit ... if you spread positive energy around, things will go better for you Still ... not saying u werent ... good luck bro
You can get the selling charge removed with a good lawyer pretty easily because it was all found in his home, and just a little. Then your facing possession of cannabis and paraphernalia which is what you normally get when caught for weed anywhere. Best of luck to you; that's fucking bullshit that they think your dealing because people come in and out of your house. Just be stoked that those are legal mushrooms you are growing, because if they were psilocybin mushrooms then you would be facing some bad shit. Keep your head up, it'll end. Also, there are lawyers that DON'T charge if you lose, so if you are in the same situation you are in now, no money problems.
There are 2 possibilities can think of, one is as someone else said, a neighbor. And if they got a search warrant for your residence that neighbor would have had to be VERY persistent, multiple reports, very believable, because otherwise the cops wouldn't take that kind of trouble. The other possibility is someone you know got caught with weed, cops scared him into giving up a name, and you were who popped into his head. The whole high traffic thing might have been an bullshit.
hey man, that is some fucking bullshit by the pigs. But remember dude, be careful; don't have too many people be coming and going from your house, you always gotta watch that shit (because you never know who is). Hope everything works out the best, I'm sure it will in the end. Peace
phycocybin mushrooms and mycellium are legal as long as there is no evidence of picked mushrooms.... just throw in that its mycology research, and im an aspiring pharmecutical botonist... at least in Arizona... what im most worried about is the seedling... are they gonna try n pop me for cultivation with intent to sell? mufucker was practically still germinating! -and to top it off, I was in the paper today... they even mentioned they found steroids... which were unidentified empty vials in a duffle bag with hundreds of syringes in my bros room... said they got survellance... I dont know the details cause my friends mom told him to tell me, but it sounds like their hypin it up like I'm major....
they want me to agree to a plea bargain.... facilitation of selling/trafficking... I don't understand how thats a bargain at all... signed me to a public defender i have to pay 425 dollars for... which i never asked for or want in the first place... i have the right to a free n speedy trial... Not a walk down ass-rape ln.
You absolutely need a decent lawyer, not that shitty public defender. Make some calls broski, find a lawyer that will let you do some sort of payment plan.
ABSOLUTELY GET A BETTER LAWYER THAN THE PD! I'm not saying you need to find johnny cochran, but anyone you hire will be better than the pd. Their just is just to get cases handled quickly. From what you're saying it seems like you should easily get the charges dropped down to possession. Either way, get a lawyer other than the pd. If they caught you with hand-to-hands or something else super incriminating they would have already thrown it at you.