Racing Thoughts?

Discussion in 'General' started by theVirtuoso, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. Well I'm sure some of you here have racing thoughts. I never really have a problem until late at night when I'm trying to sleep.

    I was wondering if any of you knew some good techniques, maybe even some sort of natural substance (Not mary jane, folks haha) I could use (things like Melatonin) that might help.

    I'm not good with backround noise or lighting just as a side note, so that's anything like thats out of the question, even tried nature sounds before.
  2. Hey yea I get this a lot on some nights when trying to sleep usually when I can't stop thinking about something or things that have been on my mind. I think breathing right can make a huge difference, that is breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth and try to make it regular intervals and take big deep breaths almost like you would when meditating then just try to completely clear your mind of everything (this is somewhat hard). That helps a lot with me (for example even when ive been on amphetamine in the past and trying to fall asleep, of course not a lot or right after taking it, but still).

    I have a friend and she always uses a fan as background noise, I know you said they don't work for you and normally they don't with me, but I did notice it is sometimes easier with a fan.

    As for natural things, a couple shots or a beer or two could help significantly (not a good idea if you have this problem every single night of course). Besides that youd have to try and research some on your own.

    Oh and Ive noticed if im really busy up till right before trying to sleep, I cant sleep for a while. Like if I just got out of work or just finished writing a paper compared to something less intense like playing video games with friends or watching tv etc.

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