Racial Pride

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by LeftHandLead, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. #41 Komatic, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    tbh your kinda asking to get dick slapped in the face fuck mook, India is the roots of Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, all three have contributed much to todays youth of guiding people on the right path of being an existential being. Not to mention that pretty much all imports are made possible by people working in factories at a low labor cost, I guarantee that at least one thing your wearing or using comes from those countries. Just imagine that there was a universal currency with a global minimum wage dipshit... that should answer much of your ignorance.   

    Well I'm guess people who are White find it irritating when black people criticize White people. A person that is white probably finds it okay to talk about White people however they want, and when a Black man does it he would probably get the shut the fuck up now glare.
    End point, like all my other god damn points.... Humans are unenlightened retarded spawns that where spit out into this exact spot of the universe for a reason. No.. wait... thats a little harsh.  :bongin:
  3. #43 Komatic, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    pfff, please... everyone knows that Jesus was the perfect color of Brown.
    Im joking... but due to the nature of this topic I shouldn't Joke.   :smoke:
  4. #44 Funk-D, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    Yeah, but I don't give a fuck about that. Because I aint white so I don't give a fuck when people make white people jokes. Counter Point. 
    How are we retarded...the very fact that you were able to type that and send it to people hundreds, possibly thousands of miles away is a testament to human's intelligence and ingenuity. No other animal on earth can do anything even close to that. 
    Yeah, so like I said originally... RETARDED!
    The ability to send instant messaging across miles of underground optic cables does not make you intelligent. Animals also don't attack each other based on color. My point is aimed at the resolution of this thread, IE... the way people look and feel about each other in regards to racial epithet or color is back step in intelligence and unhuman.
    I mean shit... when do I ever cross that line of intersection... NEVER! when I'm with people of my own descent, sure some of the guys in the crew do it but I personally frown upon it. & yeah, I do have to put up with it when I hear that line crossed with other people in social groups. I don't even make a thought to correct other people on it, I just sit there... with my grinning jaw and gleaming eye's looking upon thee with hatred mixed with a feeling of a superior intelligence and enlightenment.    
  6. #46 Funk-D, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    I don't think you know what retarded means. I was not born with any developmental problems at all...but hey. It's good to feel superior to people, so go for it. 
    I don't give a fuck what people do. If you want to make black people jokes go for it. I'm just telling you how I feel, I'm not so full of myself to think that just because people don't think like I do..they must be retarded. 
    See the world how it is, not how it should be. 
    The point is. People will ALWAYS think what they are is better. It's called self esteem. It's just how it is. 
    Males think it's better to me male than female. Females think it's better to be female than male. (this is generally speaking so weird ass trannies aside of course)
    I'm black. So, I think that's cooler than being white. If I was white I'd probably think the reverse. What I am is better than what other people are. That's just how people feel...I just don't give a fuck about being honest about it. 
    I'm also left handed, and think that's better than being right handed. 
    I play bass guitar, so I think that's better than regular guitar....do you get it now? Or do you just wanna throw out more retard comments? Because you know, those never get old. 
    At least I say what I feel, and don't sit quietly with a smug shit eating grin on my face feeling superior to everyone. Everyone hates THAT guy. 
  7. White power my brothers
  8. #48 WizardInBlack, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    I think that people are implying that they are proud to be the person they are color and all. They are proud of their ethnic background. I've said i'm proud to be white, because i am very white and it's part of me. I'm not racist i just like my race better, at least i'm honest haha.
  9. Its pretty silly to be proud of something you didnt accomplish. You can't be proud to be whit or black or Asian or gay or straight because you were born that way. You did no work to achieve it. Equally stupid is being proud of your nationality and things your country accomplished unless you were directly involved with the accomplishment. If you are an american, and are proud of winning world war II then you are an idiot, because you had absolutely no part of it.

    Equally stupid is being ashamed of your race. I have absolutely zero white guilt. I have absolutely no reason to feel bad about slavery, or the genocide of the native american people, because I had no part of it.

    Also jesus was black, and Santa clause was middle eastern. Deal with it whitey.

    Also there is only one race...the human race. Either unite behind that idea or go out and win your Darwin award.
  10. Also..when I said Ottoman. I meant The Moors. 
  11. #1- Jesus was not black, and likely didnt exist.  If he did, he'd look like Osama bin laden, anyway lmfao
     #2- Santa Claus is actually derived from Sinterklaas. the only real similarity Santa Clause and St nicholas share altogether is the gift-giving.  The reindeer, jingle-bells, and the northern theme come from NORDIC society.  While Sinterklaas is loosely based on St Nikolaus, he's NOT supposed to represent him faithfully.  
     #3-  Race merely means lineage, and doesnt even have a scientific use.  As humans all branch of into different lineages, it's plainly obvious that races of humans do exist. Of course, we're the same species, and supremacy is total bunk.
  12. #52 Komatic, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    Yeeeah, so your kinda a retard.
    I think you might even need to take some English classes buddy, I wasn't using the word for its literal meaning, if you thought I was doing that then yeah, I guess that might come of as a little mean, you wouldn't ever wanna call a retard a retard. It also doesn't take much for me to realize what a fucking retarded smoker you are.
    & Yeah, your right... sitting there with smug eat shit grinning face would make you a guy that everyone hates, unless you really like to waste your time on educating people about racial epithet. As it happens people hate that guy even more.   
    TBH, I don't know why I responded with such a lengthy reply, I quite honestly think your black ass is just too plain retarded to understand my English. 
    Happy Days... :smoke:

    please keep your racial disrespect to yourself, theres no place for it here - Yoda
    please enlighten me on what you think the Western youth is of today would give a fuck about then.... 
    People who call other people name's because they don't agree with them are the truly ignorant ones if you ask me. Your argument has no basis, you claim intelligence, but calling other people retarded doesn't magically make you smart.  
  15. fuck race, it's stupid. Just gives people another excuse to go wail on each other. Not to mention it gives people who have no common ground, common ground. Not saying it's a bad thing, just don't get why they take pride in it.

    In case someone mentions tradition and history and blah blah blah... Get out of those dead peoples shoes!
  16. #56 CaptainBobbo, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    Just because things are the luck of the draw, doesn't mean you can't be proud or happy of how they did turn out. Yeah, you could be born without fingers or be born deaf... but I wasn't and I'm proud. But no, I head what you're saying about waving it around like a "sign", that shouldn't be done and can lead to bad things. But there's nothing wrong with being happy with where you're at in the world, whether you're black, white, red, or anything a mix.
    (and now I await the "racial supremacist" remarks...)
    :smoking:  :cool:
  17. Yeah, race does give you something... and some day everyone will be a lot more mixed and diversified than today for sure too. But if it wasn't race it would be something else anyway, just look at religion. Or sexual orientation. Or political views... it really doesn't matter as long as there are those types of people in the world there will be some excuse... we can't ever all be the same anyway.
    And "get out of those dead peoples shoes"? That's totally ignorant. Not only can tradition bring people closer, but it is always good to know your history... If we don't remember the past, we'll make the same mistakes in the future. I think everyone should know and be proud of their own individual lineage and family history.
    I feel like I should throw in a... Black Powa!  ;)
    :smoke:  :cool:
    materialism/individualism/social competiton - the exact opposite of spirituality
  19. #59 Cobra Commander, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2014
    Ignorant? Cmon now. It was said in a hearty joking way, not I order you to obey me and abandon your traditions, just trying to encourage a little critical thinking. I know text doesn't transfer satire or humour overly well, not to mention tone of speech. Even so, a little ignorant, yes, I hold my hands up. I'm just sick of people blindly following whatever they were taught to believe etc.

    However I don't agree with making the same mistakes if we don't know history, we're still fighting about stupid shit just like they did for as long as I can remember and in a whole lot of history too. I also don't understand how you can be proud of over people achievements, even if they are family, it's not like you accomplished them.

    And yeah, people just want an excuse to argue and fight, doesn't matter what it's about really, they'ill take it.

    Anyway it's all cool, I don't wanna argue or anything, just stating my opinion, even if it is unconventional.
    You know what dawg... In a fight I would actually smack you in the throat for how much you pissed me off in this thread. 

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