Rabbit Poo!

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Edmond Dantès, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. LOL what a lovely easter time story :D i bet the kids loved the stew in the end
  2. Hrm. Where i live there are thousands of wild bunnies. I just went out to my yard. took a rake and pulled all the topsoil together where they all chill. put it in a bucket, filled it with water and the poo floated. just got 2 lbs of rabit poo for free :D
  3. Nice score ;).
    Sounds like a great system, and best of all there is no mantenence =D.
    My rabbits are alot of matenence for me right now as its summer and very hot outside.
    For them its like fur coats in 90 degree weather eeeek..
    So I have to put frozen water bottles in the cages and change their water every day.
    But end the end the babies i sell and eat make up or pay for the cost of the feed.
    And i guess i do get to see all those cute little baby bunnies when they come around, thats a bonus! =D
  4. Would 5 rabbits be more efficient than 5 chickens? As in, who's going to be produce more manure and how fast? Do rabbits cost more to maintain? 
    I don't care about the meat/eggs/pets aspect. (Maybe I should ^_^)
    Rabbits are going to require less maintenance than chickens and won't be near as noisy, dirty, or smelly. Plus the poo is pretty much ready to use right out of the chute. Chicken manure should always be composted before use otherwise it could really burn your plants up due to the urea. Some well constructed rabbit cages with a catch pan for the scat, feed them alfalfa pellets and good vegetable mixes and you will have the finest animal fertilizer the earth has to offer - bar none! And the results will be far more remarkable than anything else you could use organically. What you feed them will definitely dictate the final result.
  6. #46 Edmond Dantès, Oct 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2013
    What doodle said..
    I have both rabbits and chickens and i gotta say the rabbits put out much more poo maybe twice as much if not more..
    And you cant beat the npk of rabbit poo

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