My bird, Wimple, passed away to day. He was only 12 years old wich is young for a cockatiel. Please smoke a bowl for him R.I.P. Wimple
damn, that sucks man. R.I.P. Wimple. Unfortunately I wont be smoking a bowl tonight, but a joint instead! The joint will be for Wimple.
Awww dude I'm sorry. If I had weed I would smoke it in his honor but I don't. R.I.P birdy Call me stupid but I got really sad when 3 of my fish died...they were alive for more than a year and they all had names and shit and when I saw them floating on the surface I got so sad. Luckily I still have the other 3 which are still alive. Almost 2 years now! I love watching those little shits swim around when I'm high. They do the weirdest shit though! One always tries to be a dolphin and jumps out of the water rofl but just hits itself on the cover of the tank and falls back in. Are you planning on buying a new bird or something?
Thanks all of you guys. I don't no if i'm going to get a different bird yet it may take a wile for me to get over him
Aww im sorry about your loss...When I was younger we had a cockatiel named Dandy and one time my little brother left the back door open and Dandy's cage was open and a cat came in and umm took Dandy's life for a meal
Sorry for your loss but you need to move on,.....get a new cockatiel that looks like Wimple and name it Sir Wimple the second .....Where the hell did you get the name Wimple from anyway lol