so i was doing my weekly cleaning of my bongs and my cat jumped on the counter where i had them all sitting and knocked over my favorite one, Charlie Murphy. fell 3 feet to the cold hard unforgiving ground.right on its neck. its such a shame to see it go too.At least im gonna get a roor now just blows that Charlie had to go. here is pix of Charlie and the culprit who pushed him over the edge. domo domo if you suffer from the death of a bong pipe hookah or whatever post it here.
my cat IS evil. if i leave a nug out he will steal it and put it in the kitty litter box. and he knows how to shut off my xbox. any cat that knows how to press a button is evil in my book, hands down
20 bucks, and your cat will go missing. No questions. Just leave it on my doorstep, along with a picture of said cat.