I know 70% isn't as good as 91% but its all I got. I have this little cup of alcohol(from washing my grinders) sitting on the radiator. Is there a faster method to make the alcohol evaporate?
If you're really desperate you could heat it with a hair dryer or something like that, but if you evaporate it with heat, i'm pretty sure it'll lower quality.
First, get it into a shallow wide dish, rather than the cup. More surface area = more evaporation = quicker. And since your already applying a small amount of heat, just put that dish where the cup is and let it sit, keep a fan blowing towards it tho and a window open man, dont want any weird accidents lol
Well its too late for that since I can see some of the product has begun to sink to the bottom. This is my first time so its a learning experience . I don't have any of of those wide dishes which is why I used this. Ok..? I am using alcohol so cool story.
Im with sirsog, get that shit on a plate or something. Will take longer than genbu for that shit to dry in jar
dump it out, use razorblade with handle to get from bottom of jar after drying, it's imperitive you do this on something flat, if not, how are you going to harvest the product?
The product shouldnt be sinking to the bottom, it should be dissolved into the solution, i would cover that, shake it up, and pour it through a coffee filter again if you havent already onto like a plate man, getting it out of the cup is going to be a bitch, on top of the fact thats going to take forever to evaporate lol
Youve gotta put it in a pyrex baking dish, otherwise when it finally does evaporate youll have a hell of a time scraping it out of that glass.
Its such a small amount a large plate would probably work...as long as its not plastic or absorbing material hahahahahah...but yea... a baking dish is the only way to go
How imperative is it to use the coffee filter when just making QWISO from the grinder? It's not like there's a ton of plant matter or anything in the solution from the grinder
He said there was stuff sinking to the bottom, there should be nothing sinking, it should all be dissolved into the alcohol, anything that can not be dissolved, is plant matter and its going to reduce the quality of it, and make it taste funky. If you run a grinder and it comes up clean, you shouldnt need a filter, but if there is plant matter, your gonna wanna get it out, i mean, you can leave it, but it isnt beneficial at all
Alright thanks! Gonna try it out today with 91%..Have had my grinder for almost a year now and have never cleaned it. lol
Ive had mine for 3+ years and ive never cleaned it lol. I make runs of qwiso with my stems and random shake and trim tho when its warm out. Because IMO when you use heat to make qwiso rather than letting it air dry, it doesnt retain the flavor of the bud as much, but it retains a bit of the iso flavor, which is weird hahaha. So i let mine sit covered, but not sealed in anyway in the garage in the warm seasons when i make it haha. Too cold here in winter, it would take FOREVER for the iso to purge off
Ok well I poured it into a different container thats more spread out. Pic #1 Now I have the small cup with stuff at the bottom. Is this any use or is this plant material and I should toss it? Pic #2 So I assume I wait till only solid material is left thats dry(for the new container)? Ok I poured it into a different container. Check the pic above. Well I didn't pour it through a filter but I have the cup let with some stuff..? So if the plant material is trash, should I toss the remains from the cup? Can I do without the coffee filter since all the stuff that stuck to the bottom is not in play anymore?
yea i would just leave it now haha, you could smoke that stuff in the cup when it dries, it will have something in it, not much, but if you feel like tossin it is a waste dont hahahaha
Well I'm in tallahassee,FL where it would usually be pretty hot but its in the 30's-40's right now..Anything specific I should do? I was just going to put the plate in my bedroom next to an open window with the fan on..Don't plan on smoking anything today so I figured it would be pretty safe. EDIT: I made some kief disks with the kief that was in my grinder but a little bit has accumulated since I decided that I was going to make QWISO with my grinder..would leaving it in there provide better results?
If you leave the kief it will make the yield bigger, thats up to you haha. Leaving it by a window with fan is perfect tho. Ive never really seen grinder qwiso lol so i dunno how it ends up.