I have been experimenting a little with bho and iso and i want to know if instead of vacuum purging my bho what if i put it in 99%iso and evaporated everything that way? Would this work or do i still need to purge??
it will help get all the butane evaped but u still gotta make sure all the iso is purged just do qwiso...... and winterizing i beleive isnt done with iso but rather with everclear or hexane
Its known as winterizing or making an absolute. What you do is you put your bho into a mason jar and fill it with ISO just enough to cover your bho and and swish it around until its all dissolved. Then you set your jar in the freezer for 24 hours. When you take it out there should be waxes floating on the surface. Then strain it through a coffee filter into a dish to let the iso evaporate on then scrape it and you got some dank absolute! The winterizing process actually removes waxes and other unwanted material that were removed during the first extraction so you will have a more pure and potent end product. Hope this helps!
mighy kush have you done this>??? i heard iso doesnt work al that great as it is very aggressive and dissolves waxes and such
^^If iso is as bad as u say then what would you use for winterizing?? Any input is helpful.. im not a noob by any means just new to the extraction department.
I have heard people using 191 proof alcohol but since im not 21 I used iso. And im not in a medical state so am limited to small limited runs and haven't had a chance to try this but once. When i did it i did have waxes on the surface but im not sure if it was alot or a little compared to other people using different solvents but there were waxes visible. If anything id look up chefs pick up thread and post on there as he always has amazing oil and has done alot of winterizing in various threads. Good luck though man.
sweet imma try it out my next run..ive read it doesnt work and some say it kinda works if u say u soime some im guessing it worked a bit i know hexane is used for winterizing
At the bottom of this page you can check out one of chef's winterizing runs: http://forum.grasscity.com/stash-jar/1116451-chefs-los-angeles-mmj-thread-37.html#post16729998