Does anyone have experience using Oil Slick's Slick Sheets (the PTFE ones, not the silicone pads!) as a liner for QWISO extractions to avoid scraping up? Or any other PTFE sheets for that matter? I see that PTFE is generally listed as resistant to iso alcohol (apart from one comment online saying it becomes temporarily translucent on contact – I can’t confirm, and do doubt this), so I presume it would be ok to line a collection vessel with PTFE sheet to avoid scraping up the QWISO after evap. Now, I read that Oil Slick PTFE Sheets are of a woven material, and some people have issues with seepage through the weave. I also think Oil Slick only recommend their use with butane, not iso, but I can’t see why from a chemical reactivity point of view. Are all PTFE sheets woven, or can ‘solid’ foldable sheets be aquired to your knowledge? Cheers in advance y'all.............
Heres my goto for teflon... McMaster-Carr Scroll down for the FILMs... 0.002" is nice, but the 0.003" is more durable.
Thanks for that OneE. If anyone cares, the word from Oil Slick directly was that the sheets haven't been woven for several years now, and yes it's fine for IPA....