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Qwiso Abv results

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by Hated, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. I just tryed making some qwiso hash for the first time, I ran an oz of abv and its in a pan drying now

    Ill update this as thing's progress. Does it matter that I did an oz at once seems most people do it with 7 grams ? Also I read somthing about scraping the coffee filter after use I had already thrown mine out so I didn't try it. Is this common ?
  2. What did you do your wash in? A large mason jar would be fine with an oz. Just wanna make sure you're getting all of your material in contact with the alcohol without having to leave it in there too long. Don't scrape the filter. Nothing but plant material on there.
  3. nice try. did you save your bud for a 2nd wash. check my sig for, imo, a great thread ;)
  4. I used a pint size mason jar to wash in. I didn't bother trying a second wash for 2 reasons; I wasn't sure what this shit does to the pyrex after evaping on so I was reluctant to use another, and after I did the first wash (before I filtered the iso) it looked REALLY dark and I was convinced I had messed up something after I put it through a coffee filter it got a lot lighter in color.

    Tbh every one I spoke to about this said doing anything wih abv is a waste of time so I wasn't sure if this would even work. I ordered 2 more pyrex dishes so next time I do qwiso ill try a second wash.

    Thanks ill make sure I check it out! Any idea how long it will take to evaporate ? I have it evaping in my garage with plastic wrap over it with little holes poked, its pretty cold out and I'm worried that its not drying. I'm not in a rush to make it dry I just want an idea of when I should see some progresss.
  5. If you can get a fan blowing over it you can speed up the process. If you have access to cheese cloth or cheap pantyhose, both work great for a breathable cover to keep dirt and debris out. Plastic wrap with tiny holes is gonna take considerably longer.Using vaped bud varies a bit, depending on how hard it was vaped. If it was vaped brown I would probably skip it.
  6. #6 7Grams, Feb 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2014
    And I usually do two quick washes (15 seconds MAX) into the same pyrex, although I usually do smaller runs. Two washes of an O's worth of iso would take forever to evaporate...Also, gentle heat can speed it up. Like a hot water bath or a griddle that can hold temps below 110.
  7. I yeilded a .6 Ive only taken one dab its really smooth, usally I cough when I dab; is this an idication its not that potent ?I've never tryed qwiso before but this stuff is insanely smooth compared to the bho I'm used to.I don't have much to say about the taste it wasn't in anyway unpleasant but I wouldn't say it tatsted good. Most of the qwiso I've seen looks like a pile of keif mine is a diffrent consistency what determines the end result for the consistency ?
  8. It's slightly oily because the long washes take out alot of undesirable plant matter. But I still do a final soak for a whole day. I actually eat the reclaim, just eyeball it and put it inside a gelcap. Not for the faint of heart. Very strong comfortable high I would say. I do 3 quick washes at varying lengths of time, and a final soak after. I use a double boiler to speed up the process, takes me about an hour or so to do it from start to finish.
  9. You did way to Long of a Wash that stuff should be Amber not dark green
    What iso % did you use 
    Did you freeze your product and iso before the wash?
  10. Im a bit confused the picture of the qwiso hash i made looks more black than anything Are you refering to the picture of it before it dried or the finished product ?
  11. Dark green /black that what I meant black is even worse......
    You extracted along with thc...chlorophyll ..the green plant matter which is why it's so dark 
  12. I did freeze the material and the iso(91%) I did a 15 second wash, I would say it came out good considering its avb and Its my first time doing this. Constuctive critisism is appreciated I hope you have some advice and pics of yourstuff and that you didn't just post on this thread to tell me I suck; I have 10 grams of stems to mess with so if you have any tips now would be the time. Also if there's any equipment I could get that would help me improve I will get it. Right now I just have a few strainers coffe filters and some pyrex containers. I understand you see room for improvement please tell me how to reach it.
  13. I never told you that you suck,
    And I did not realize it was stems the color is understandable for a 15 seconds wash of stem....
    (Heres your constructive criticism) next time try using a 8 seconds MAX wash time and the color will be better....
    No need to snap, when I never said anything bad...I was asking questions about your process to then give you advice.
    I claim nothing as to my hash making, I'm still learning also.
  14. Sorry you feel I snapped at you, I wasnt sure if you thought the point of the thread was to show off or something. The pictures you see are from 1 wash of an oz of abv (Vaped bud).

    I was also saying that I have 10 grams of stems that I'm going to wash. I ground them as best as I could did 2 washs in seperate containers about 8 seconds each as you recomended ill post pictures whn it drys. Are you saying 8 seconds for high quality bud aswell or just for stems/abv ?

    Is there a rule of thumb for how many washes you should do ?
  15. #15 invinciblejets, Feb 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2014
    Had no clue abv stands for vaped bud lol
    Yes 8 second all around longer it's in there the more chlorophyll that's being extracted.
    Even more true with stem and vaped bud because there is less thc so it goes straight for the chlorophyll so technically the shorter the wash on the shittier of stuff the better it will be, but also less return weight.
    Also next time don't grind your stems all the thc left on the stems is on the surface of the stem when your grind it up you increase the surface area of potential chlorophyll extraction
    when I tried my same method I Used for stem and trim for, with bud I was amazed at the difference in product.
    Also go for 3 washes 2nd and 3rd wash won't be as good, tho sometimes my 2nd wash is just as good as first. Still worth doing three just don't mix washes untill after it purged and only if they are close in color/texture don't want to taint your nice batch with your 3rd wash if it looks like Crap. ya know?
    So don't expect it to be amazing and sorry again if I knew it was vaped bud I'd of been more understanding.
    When it comes down to it vaped bud and stems are free so any return from it is better than nothing good luck!
  16. I always thought it was AVB ( Already Vaped Buds), not ABV.
    just sayin, not crit'in ....
  17. #17 Hated, Feb 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2014
    Well see how it comes out, it looked like there was a shit ton of keif in the jar. Ill post the pictures in a day or so.

    To be honest I've never paid to much attention, I always assumed it was " ABV" already been vaped. Urban dictionary has both...
  18. #18 Hated, Feb 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2014
    9.5 grams of stems 8 second washs

    1st wash: Is this consistency good to dab with ? Any way to make this condensed ?

    Will add pics of the second wash later

    Also I ordered some cheese cloth and it works great as a cover thanks for the tip 7 grams

    Also what are people's opinion on decarbing apparently if you put it into the freezer right away if dosent degrade the thc does this really improve the product ? If recommended at what temperature/how long/before scraping or after ?
  19. Alot of people mess upmwhennthey strwin threw coffee filters .. even thoe it only soaked for 30mseconds itmstill takes a while to filter threw coffee filters thtas why end product s7cks ... get a 50 micron mewh screen it will filter quickly so your bud and iso are n8t in contact for a longer period of time then 30 seconds

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  20. #20 Hated, Feb 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2014
    Can I get it in a local store ?

    Anyone else have one of these ? Is it worth the investment or just stick with the coffee filters ?

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