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Quitting Tobe

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by lippopotamus, May 25, 2009.

  1. I've recently decided to stop smoking tobacco in the bottom of my bowls and am wondering how long it will take to fully adjust to smoking without tobe. pulling a rimmer is easy with tobe, but it kills me if i smoke a straight green bowl. does anyone know about how long it will take until i'll be able to pull green bowls as easily as i did with tobacco in the bottom?
  2. What was it about the tobacco mixed bowls that made it easier for you to smoke? Did it make it smoother, or do you just enjoy the blend of the two effects?

    Your best bet, if the smoke is really that harsh for you, is to just smoke small bowls at a time until you can handle larger amounts.
  3. i mainly just smoke it for the head buzz, but since i've been doing it so long i don't even get that anymore and now it's just become habitual to put tobe in my bowl. i won't even smoke without tobe now and i really want to quit it and go back to just green bowls.

    I probably will just start off with smaller bowls and work my way up to nice sized bowls.

    thanks for the advice
  4. dude tht is so fucking gross.:( anyway, try just loading snappers, a bowl that is just big enough for 1 hit, but eventually you just gotta get over it, i kinda like the harsh feeling of it.
  5. yo man im from canada too. all these americans dont know shit about poppers and think they are fucked. i doubt any of them have tried it so their judgements are useless. Dude theres nothing wrong with smokin a lil tobe with ur ganj, but man i would say if ur smoking for that headrush, just smoke ur first bowl with tobe and the rest without it. That first headrush will make u feel great and then the next couple of bowls will get u feelin nice and high. Im tryin to cut back on the pops too, so ive been switchin back and forth between each toke. u gotta ween urself off slowly man, nicotine is just as addictive as heroin
  6. Quality bud ripped from a bong should be smooth by itself..

  7. Sorry...But I really don't see how tobacco makes it smooth! If anything tobacco makes it harsh. :smoking:
  8. wont take that long
  9. #9 lippopotamus, May 26, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2009
    haha yeah man any americans i've talked to always think it's so dirty. good idea though, i don't really want to completely quit, and having one bowl with tobe in it will definitely still give that headbuzz. thanks man
  10. Your probably addicted to tobacco, so start off with tiny bowls(as much as you can take in one hit) and pace yourself, you would have gotten over this hump already if you had not used the backy for so long.
    A lot of people like to smoke a cigarette after a bowl, so try that instead.

  11. way to sterotype, asshole
  12. I have found that the best way to avoid the harsh hit is to make sure your stash is cured very well. Nice slow curing is the key, don't try and rush it. The slower the better, just be careful about mold in the first 2 weeks. Unfortunately, you either have to grow your own or know a grower to be able to cure weed yourself.

  13. ya u hit poops buddy?
  14. woah, why the hostility? we all share something good in common here, we smoke the green. as far as the OP's question, i would do what other's have said and smoke one hits worth of green by itself if you really want to stop with the tobacco. i personally don't hate the mix of tobacco and pot, but i prefer pot by itself, or tobacco by itself...i don't mix bowls so i don't know how long it would take you to get used to it. i know that the first few times i smoked pot (before i had ever smoked a cigarette) the smoke was so harsh i almost it's completely fine for me. i hardly ever smoke tobacco, and i actually find the smoke to be harsher because i am not used to it. just a matter of time, just do what you're comfortable with :).
  15. I can honestly say(as an american) that hitting a bong with tobacco is the most disgusting things ever. Even mixed with hash or a bit of herb it is still unbearable.

  16. ^ canadian and i agree with this
  17. Wean out the T slow. Try using the same amount of MJ as you do now, and less T. should be a smaller bowl right? I mean, a .3 is a .3, T or not.

    way to sterotype, asshole[/quote]:hello:

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