Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Discussion in 'General' started by MR Budweiser, Oct 30, 2002.

  1. My dad used to smoke out of a pipe and a pack a day for over 20 years. Now he smokes about 2 packs a day. He always has a cigarette in his mouth. And he smokes pot, too. And he doesn't even have a cough. I don't get it.

    I read in a Canadian Geographic that I have that some people don't get as affected as hard by cigarettes as some. Some people it totally owns..and others it does minimal damage, this may be bull shit. But they had an interview on a 104 year old lady who has been smoking a pack a day since she was 13 and is still going strong.
  2. If you know it killin you and it ain't doin you any good but serving your mental addiction to it why haven't you picked up some Nicotine gum and quit already. You ain't gettin it done cause you ain't workin at it

    There ain't no cuttin back, its all cold turkey. Not quiting until your mom quits is kinda like prolonging both your bad habits isn't it
  3. Just dip~!

  4. Ive heard so many people say that quitting is easy its hilarious. The people who say that are the ones who took one puff when they were younger and gagged and choked and thought they were gonna die so they never smoked again.

    Romain I know for a fact you were never addicted to cigarettes because theres no way you would just say cigarettes are for mentally weak people because if you smoked for any amount of time to become addicted you wouldn't just look at the health warnings and say well i guess im gonna quit today and never smoke again. Its obviously not that easy because if it was no one would be smoking. Have you ever thought of that.
  5. fuck cigarettes.
  6. You brought back a 7 year old thread to say "fuck cigarettes," :cool:

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