Quick way to use a pollen press?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by firephotoman, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I got a bunch of pollen from my grinder and dumped it in my new press, I tightened it up, and had it in my pocket for the past 3 hours or so, I opened it up and it's pretty compressed but I can't get it to stay together.

    I was thinking of putting it in a plastic baggie and putting that in some hot water to melt it, then putting it in the fridge for a bit to cool and solidify it, anyone know if this will work?
  2. I wouldnt waste your time with pollen. Get some weed in there and get some keif!

    I have found the best way is with a small piece of wax paper on either side. and then compress as much as possible and leave to sit over night.
  3. That's what I'm trying to avoid right now :p Is there any way to speed up the process of compaction?
  4. Yea, you can heat it to speed up the process. Not sure how hot and not sure how long. Varies depending on what you got. If its a metal press, i usually will touch mine to a burner for a bit.
  5. It works best when it is left sitting over night or longer just put it in the press and hide it for a few days. Trust me, the benefits are worth it.
  6. Fuck the pollen press. Fail proof way to press kief. Dump it into a piece of wax paper folded up like a small envelope. Fold the envelope, seal by licking the whole thing, then press it against a hot light bulb with your thumb until you see a faint amount of smoke. flip it over then put it on a table and rub it with a lighter. let it cool and voila! you have pressed hash. takes 5 minutes total if you're slow.
  7. ive found the method on utube ok with rolling it wetting it then in the oven. but just bought a hand press by grass leaf (sick) i can make some nice pressed ash, if u find your pollen a bit loose when after heat and press use a small amount of alcohol but let it avaperate before use.
    what i want to know is what kind of plastic is it that we used to get years ago when it was rapped like red seal gold seal looked nice and protected the ash from drying to much

  8. I throw mine into a small cup of freshly boiled water, but i do not fully submerge it in fear of soaking my final product
  9. Heat it up with a lighter. Just heat it and roll it around till it gets fairly warm. Tighten the press. Wait like 5 min and walla.
  10. mine always sticks to the dowels and it gets fucked up when i break it off :(

    i tried using wax paper but i couldnt get it to just the right size

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