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Quick update on my outdoor grow - pre-flowering!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by SmokeMB, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Hey guys. This is my first outdoor grow. Only two plants - A Lowryder that is a purple kush/Ruderalis strain. The big girl is an unknown female - any thoughts on the strain?

    I just started them on Bloom nutes - Botonicare Pro Bloom Soil forumla.

    Enjoy! :hello:







  2. lookin damn fine
  3. Thanks KB!
  4. Dont know the strain but i do know its a bush, Good job.
    Looks like it will produce a few OZs.
  5. I made one my desktop wallpaper. NICE!

  6. Small girl is an auto-flower: Purple Kush hybrid I believe. Its the tall girl that I don't know. Hoping someone could at least tell me if its indica/sativa/or hybrid?
  7. Definetly a hybrid of some kind.
    Sativa would tend to be much leggier so to speak, and Indica much stockier.
  8. Plants are looking great.
  9. the land is green i like your farm . unlike lower 48 it is all yellow dead down here .
  10. where are you at, roughly? It had been pretty damn dry and yellow around here for most of July, but the past two weeks or so we've seen an increase in rain. Finally had to cut my grass last weekend for the first time in a month!
  11. I'm so jelly that you live on a farm!! I want one soo bad... Beautiful plants you got there...any specific reason you chose an auto-flower strain?
  12. I actually didn't purchase the seeds. One of my grower friends stopped by one night for dinner back in the spring and handed me two feminized seeds and said "here ya go, good luck" ... and from that point on I was hooked! Started them outside the next day, and a few months later those pictures is what I've got! He wasn't even aware of the strains when he got them, he just knew they were feminized. Next year I'll research more heavily before I actually buy seeds. I'll probably get an auto started before I grow any of the normal strains, just to have an earlier harvest :D

    Thanks for the feedback!
  13. #13 SmokeMB, Aug 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2011
    Just thought I'd post some updated pics of my plants. I transplanted the big girl on Wednesday into a bigger container and soaked her pretty good, so she's still looking a little droopy today. I also hand-bent a few of the branches to free up some space for light to better travel through to the inside. She's very bushy at the top, but look at the two big "tops" that have formed thanks to the topping I did about a month back. I'm hoping she perks back up again in the next few days.

    The little girl (autoflower) is flowering more and more every day. Her leaves have changed dramatically since the last pictures that I posted on August 2.

    Any tips would be great. These are my first to plants.





    Should I shave off this little foliage at the bottom, or not? It doesn't get much light down there...

    This container cost me $10 at The Home Depot. Fucking piece of shit can't handle the weight of the plants its supposed to hold!!

    The Auto-flower (Purple Kush/Ruderalis hybrid)


  14. I think your tall one is a hybrid, if it was sativa you'd see it really grow up and not out wide, all around gorgeous plants man!
  15. #16 SmokeMB, Aug 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Thanks. I actually bend the smaller branches near the middle outwards, for more light penetration. Just kind of messing around, trying some different techniques as a new grower. Extremely low stress training I guess.
  16. #17 fondhandler, Aug 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2011
    I can tell by the way you photograph your plants that you care about them. I'm sure you will continue to do well this year, and the coming years. You must live in a state where it is illegal to grow (?) yet it looks pretty sparsely populated in your location. Hope you stay safe and are able to continue enjoying your plants My first grow "girl in a pot" did "ok" but believe she became rootbound, malnourished(light green, not dark green, and the stems got very dark purple.) I realize it's not good, but my artists eye is fascinated by the colors and beautiful structure. (Yes, I'm high) Your plants look beautiful, and happy!

    Attached Files:

  17. #18 SmokeMB, Aug 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2011
    Thanks fondhandler! I call them my babies, and I sure do treat them that way. I love this new hobby that I have started - its definitely fun, relaxing, and nothing is more enjoyable than tending to plants with a doob in hand! and for the most part, I do have some land here to play with, so its pretty secretive around here. You can legally grow only if you're medically certified to posess plants ... which I don't think I ever remembered to get that certification ;)
  18. I would not trim. I learned my lesson. Light passess thru leaves. I would only trim the dead ones
  19. Looking good SmokeMB, Beautiful plant +rep
    Is it stinkin yet?

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