Quick Scrog Clarification

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by cdphalanx, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Hi All,

    As my seeds germinate and I continue prepping the rest of my grow area, Ive been doing tons and tons of research into varying training methods to help deal with the height limitations I deal with. This site and its users have been a tremendous resource. I've decided that doing a Scrog will be the best route for me... or so it seems.

    Being a noobie grower (this is my first grow), obviously some will think Im getting in over my head. That is a fair enough assessment and very well may end up being the case. If it turns out that way, shame on me. However, I'm also working with another casual grower so Im optimistic. He simply has not done a Scrog before.

    Here in-lies our only confusion thus far. In all of the info/tutorials Ive read, it is said that you should let the plant grow a few inches above the screen, then bend it back under to train it to grow out along the screen. This concept is simple enough to me (think threading fabric). However, every picture/video Ive seen of scrog grows does NOT have the branches bent back under the screen where they first meet the screen. It seems like all the pics/vids simply show people taking the branches and forcing them to spread outwards by using the screen like a tie-down almost, pulling the longest branches all the way out to the edge of the screen and then just letting them grow up from there, well above the screen.

    I have seen images/video of scrog grows that are a couple weeks into flowering, and the screen is full and lush with the buds only a few inches above the screen. These differ greatly from the other pics/videos i mentioned previously and are likely the proper way, but I cant find details on what the scrog looked like during veg and/or the first week or two of flowering.

    I'm sure Im just missing something, here, but can anyone clarify? For scrog, do you physically pull the branch back under the screen (but over one strand of the screen, much like weaving a thread) or do you pull the branch back under and push it out to the outer part of the screen and let it grow upward through the screen?

    Okay... my apologies. Wall of text right there and I probably confused more than I explained my question.

    Any help is greatly appreciated. :D
  2. you don't need to thread them, just keep them under the screen and they will spread out on their own forming a blanket or "sea" of leaves under the screen.
  3. Perfect. Thats all I needed to know. Thanks!
  4. they're going to try and climb up thru it, you just keep pulling the branches down and forcing them to stay below the screen

    then when you flower, all the nodes growing up will start growing buds!
  5. Thanks to you as well.

    This makes all the pics/videos make infinitely more sense to me now. I knew I must have just been misinterpreting. I was thinking that you only pull down once per branch/node and then it would follow the screen from there, which in hindsight doesnt even make sense because these arent vines that cling to something and grow along it.

  6. Think what would happen if you grew the tree straight up, but then flowered with the sun from the side. Instead of the thinner top profile, now you've got a huge side panel, all turning into buds.

    Basically, that's what you're doing. But instead of growing up then flowering with the sun at the side, you're growing the plant sideways and flowering from the top.

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