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Quick roll

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GYAZ, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Whats your quickest time for rolling a joint and how often do you roll?
    on average I take about 2 mins 30 secs an can do uniform joint every time. Just wondering if thats quick or slow compared to the other blades.
  2. Rolling a perfect cigarette-like joint in my $10 rolling machine takes about 45 seconds. ;)
  3. 5 minutes if im lucky hahaha. that's why i bought a joint roller!!
  4. What do you mean by "rolling" like actually rolling, or doing all of the things you do to roll a joint and then rolling the joint?

    My process goes like this:
    1 - Cut and roll a tippy
    2 - Grind up my nuggets (including picking out seeds and stems)
    3 - Find the right paper
    4 - Roll that bitch up

    The whole ordeal usually takes me like 10 minutes, I'd say the act of actually rolling the joint takes about 2-3 minutes, depending on a variety of factors(fucking humidity).

    I roll joints at least once a day, every day.
  5. My fastest one was 30 seconds but that was shit. My best 'quick' roll was 1 and a half minutes.
  6. When it's only with my hands, probably a couple minutes but I really enjoy taking my time and need everything to be in its place beforehand. It's like a little stoner ceremony haha. Also, I break up the bud with my hands and that's part of it.

    When I use the card trick it's unbelievably fast. From the time I put the bud/crutch in the paper I bet I could complete a perfect j in under 15 seconds.
  7. If buds already chopped i can go in under 30 secs easily. it's not a long process
  8. If I'm trying to make a REALLLLY good looking one probably like 2 mins... (already broken up) Normally about a min...
  9. I can roll a joint in less than 30 seconds and I roll daily, if not more. :smoking:

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