quick question -=))

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by ViBeToSuRvIvE, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Hey guys im currently at day 18 with my DWC hydro setup and one of my plants is slightly droopy and the oldest leaves on the plant are starting to turn brownish from the tip inwards. Now im starting to see a little bit on the second oldest leave but im not sure what this might be. My ph is at balance and is at 5.8. Im thinking it might be some deficiency but im not sure. NPK. HELP WOULD BE HIGHLY APPRECIATED. Where does pro growers at!?!?!?!?:p
  2. how do your roots look?? how moist is your rockwool? where is your water level??what Ec are you at? are you adding anything else to the res?

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