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Quick question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Youngn500, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Wht up juz invade your wondering I'm not new here I had a previous profile juz don't remember any of my login lol
    But to the point I been a heavy smoking for 10 years I'm 18 now.
    When I smoke with my friendz I'm find no complaints
    But when I get around other people and I'm smoking weed I'm told that I smell like SHIT I'm not sure what it is whether it's blunt, bong, joint, vap, etc I hear people sidled tht I smell or nose covering. Obvestly I love pot but it's not worth being told or talked behind that I smell. I rather find a solution if there iz one? Is. There any opinions or experiences out there

    O yea I never had this problem when I started smoking it started freshman year in high school .. :/
  2. 0/10

    good try.
  3. Wtf kinda answer is tht it's a serious question
    Can someone post a answer tht is actually gunna give me an answer or a opinion
  4. And I no it kinda doesn't make since it's the spell Check on my phone
    Point blank n simple people I smoke around tell me i smell when i smoke and i wants to hear opinions or situations in which they had similar problems
  5. So you've been smoking pot heavily since you were 8? Not likely.
  6. Take more showers.
  7. And remember rinse lather repeat, always repeat. Simpsons reference anyone?
  8. you probably smell like troll
  9. I take 3 showers a day
    But im goin to the doctor so I'ma see

  10. actually it is especially where n who I grew up around
  11. [​IMG]

    hahaha, I sold a dime to a guy whos story sounds like urs (subtract the smell) and he used his ex gfs phone to call me and demand his money back cause he had an alergic reaction and said he didnt get high. hahhaha

    piss off mate

  12. Hahahahaha epic!

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