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Quick question!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Laserduck, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. Ive just made my account, although ive been browsing the forums since late 2009. I guess i never got around to making an account, lol.
    My question is, when i smoke, i tend to focus more on the body high, even when i try and watch movies on my computer. I want to acheive the "laugh"-EY high but i cant. I watch funny stuff too, like weeds, futurama, beavis and butthead, seth rogen movies.
    How do i focus more on the mind high than the body high? im smoking upper mids with no hookup to anything better
  2. smoke a lot more
  3. Yeah i suppose. Edibles seem to help, though.
  4. body high and mind high is like two completely different types of weed... plus the usual "laugh"-EY" high is just TV bullshit lol

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