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quick question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PlAsId HiT, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. half an 1/8 is how many grams?
  2. well 28/8= 3.5g so half dat is 1.75 tho a dub is usually 1.8
  3. ok thanks. dident know what it was called was all, i just asked my friend to get me half an 1/8 and i thoguht i sounded like an idiot saying it lol. now i know its called a dub
  4. A dub is a 20 bag not a half 8th. In my area a dub is a gram not 1.8. It depends on where you live.
  5. half an 1/8 is bought 1.8 thats what id get if i were to buy that much
  6. (1/8) ounce = 3.54369039 grams

    (3.54369039 grams) / 2 = 1.7718452 grams

    So basically almost 2g, which would cost me $15
  7. cost me 25 for half eigth of dank. should be 1.7-1.8
  8. Yea its around 1.7, people around here call it a dime, even when dealing with nug. Don't know why maybe because everyone use to smoke regs and thats what it was then and it just stuck.

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